Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Benefits of a Strong Contrast

What creeps slowly in upon us often does not scare us until it is too late.

Habits of acquiescence are terrifying to break.

The contrast between apathetic daily life, and awareness through fear is terrifying.

It requires a lot of work to get rid of what we do not want when that happens.

When something with great contrast appears, we can see right away that we do not want it and we can take strong steps immediately.

That is the situation in which we find ourselves today.

Many uncomfortable actions have now become obvious, and we are now aware of them because of their great contrast to the kind of society we wish to live in.

The new collective steps we are taking quickly are having an immediate influence.

As we become more aware of all the steps which are being taken to destabilize and control society from without, we have more and more power to recreate the society we desire from within.

It is wonderful to discover what we all have in common.

It is delightful to experience a unifying experience despite all the ugliness.

I am so grateful for the encouragement of the courageous individuals and groups and political leaders who are standing up for the deep values in our communities.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, March 27, 2017

The One Beautiful Thing

You are here to do One Beautiful Thing, plus many others.

But there is one focus, from which many things will come.

It comes from what you love most.

Within your deepest peace, there is a sense of what you love most.

It may be connected to something you do now, or it may be completely different.

The One Beautiful Thing satisfies you completely.

Every time you contemplate it, something more opens up for you.

There is an infinite sense to it, a sense of unlimited good.

It is a way for you to connect with others and to uplift them.

It is a way for you to bless them and to be blessed by the doing of it.

Your identity is best expressed in the One Beautiful Thing.

It draws you toward it, gently and consistently.

When it reveals itself to you, you are filled with wonder.

It is marvelous and beautiful.

It is irresistible; you are compelled to follow it.

It is the desire of your heart.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Shining Light

Your understanding is something you can share.

Your abilities are available to be interpreted in a particular way, and then shared.

We naturally share what we love, and want everyone to have it.

We want them to have the same experience of loving what they do and doing it so well, that it creates an overflow.

This overflow is how we share.

We share an overflow of light, understanding and practice.

We share an overflow of delight, joy, and attraction.

We share an overflow of abundance practice and expertise.

We share an overflow of application and solutions.

Bringing our insight and delight to what we do, increases its effectiveness.

We become a shining light in our profession, and share the abundant overflow.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, March 24, 2017


It may seem ridiculous to have expectations of any kind when there is so much uncertainty in the world.

However, your can discover a different kind of confidence when you listen within.

Your true goals cannot fail to manifest because they are connected to your deep identity.

Your deep identity never changes according to the season or your age or your experience.

Your deep identity knows its purpose and is ready and willing and able to fulfill it.

As you listen within, you are united to your purpose, and you can hear and perceive and understand the steps you are to take to fulfill it.

This purpose lies beyond what you see in front of you every day, but it includes it as well.

From within, you can expect and receive the guidance to carry out your purpose in your daily life.

You may remain in the same job and location you are in currently.

You may find that your steps take you in a new direction.

Whatever happens, you are filling the expectations of your higher nature, which is not limited to your past experiences.

Your higher nature is utilizing resources to take you in a higher direction.

You can expect to be much more fulfilled.

You can expect to serve a much higher purpose.

You can expect to live a useful and productive and satisfying and happy life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Discovering the Truth

While we are being bombarded with so much controversy in the news, it is hard to decide what is true and what is not true.

Letting go of the addiction to excitement, allows us to begin the calm movement to listening within.

What is my role today?  

Is it to get caught up in the excitement of the day’s news?

Or is it to find the deep peace and feeling of calm within?

I know the deep peace will show me what I need to know today.

I will hear the guidance that is mine whenever I turn away from all the outside noise.

So, I am turning away and listening deep within.

I am being mindful of my breath and breathing deeply.

It is my job to express my individuality today, which no one else can do for me.

My individuality expresses truth, happiness, balance, joy, compassion, intelligence.

I will apply those to my daily actions today.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


How much groundwork is laid before a child learns to walk?

To talk?

To read?

To write?

Years.  Thousands and thousands of biological connections, nerves and muscles, auditory, visual, emotional input every day.

So, when you are listening for your goals, your gifts, your ideas, how much groundwork will it take for those to develop?

As you become a skilled listener, time will disappear, and you will simply take the next step and the next.

At some point, when all the right connections have been made, you, too, will have a product, production, circulation, and income.

As you are directed to serve and to make your contribution to society, you will help uplift those around you.

How much groundwork does it take in order for you to be an uplifting influence?

It is worth whatever it takes.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

When Resources Are Taken Away

When outer resources are taken away, it offers an opportunity to discover inner resources.

The blatant political selfishness and greed which restricts resources will be countered by the generosity and compassion motivated by the discovery of inner resources.

As individuals have long discovered when they face desperate and unfair situations, there is an inner guidance when one listens.

This guidance is present for everyone, even those with “advantages”.

The necessity to discover inner resources is now upon all of us.

Every person’s story of triumph over adversity, will now become the collective experience as we discover our true strength and how it unites us.

We are not helpless, even though it appears that so many of us are, and will, suffer.

As we discover, through our desperation, our ability to draw on inner resources, we will connect with more and more of of us like-minded folks to find uniquely new and effective solutions.

When I look at the ugly political mess, I turn immediately to its opposite, and I am greatly encouraged.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Seeing Beauty

One of the things I enjoy is creating beautiful things - quilts, embroidered pillows, fabric journal covers.

I realized that I was not seeing them, though, because I had them stacked up or folded or put away.

So I now place them where I can see them and enjoy them.

I can do the same thing with my thoughts.

I can see what is beautiful in people.

I can support their possibilities.

I can cease condemning myself or others.

That way, I can create more beauty in our lives.

When we are supportive in any little way, we leave room for new ideas to come out.

Instead of cringing away from criticism, we can gently feel a new idea emerge.

Continuing to support and nurture by seeing beauty, we can take action on the idea and allow others to do so as well.

 © 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Finding My Balance

As I change my circumstances and the pressure comes off, I am able to relate to the world in a healthier way.

I can exchange my currency of kindness with others.

We can support each other in sharing knowledge and in listening to one another.

I am even able to sense different priorities for myself and adjust my habits accordingly.

As outward pressure releases, I find more space within, both to listen and to act.

Instead of trying to act in a mini-mass production mode, I am able to craft individual items until they fill me with joy and satisfaction.

I love the feeling of confidence and peace this creates in me.

I can share my best work in ways it will be appreciated the most.

I have time for community, for learning, for work and for enjoyment.

I am balanced in mind, body and spirit.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage