Friday, March 24, 2017


It may seem ridiculous to have expectations of any kind when there is so much uncertainty in the world.

However, your can discover a different kind of confidence when you listen within.

Your true goals cannot fail to manifest because they are connected to your deep identity.

Your deep identity never changes according to the season or your age or your experience.

Your deep identity knows its purpose and is ready and willing and able to fulfill it.

As you listen within, you are united to your purpose, and you can hear and perceive and understand the steps you are to take to fulfill it.

This purpose lies beyond what you see in front of you every day, but it includes it as well.

From within, you can expect and receive the guidance to carry out your purpose in your daily life.

You may remain in the same job and location you are in currently.

You may find that your steps take you in a new direction.

Whatever happens, you are filling the expectations of your higher nature, which is not limited to your past experiences.

Your higher nature is utilizing resources to take you in a higher direction.

You can expect to be much more fulfilled.

You can expect to serve a much higher purpose.

You can expect to live a useful and productive and satisfying and happy life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

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