Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Our leadership is individual.

It is within each one of us.

We have pure leadership.

It is concerned for the welfare of others, the welfare of all.

Our leadership is not selfish.

It is generous.

All fit within its canopy of care.

Our leadership always finds a solution for the good of all.

Our leadership never infringes on the rights of anyone.

We all have the same rights.

We all have the same privileges.

To see and express the intelligent and compassionate universal leadership from within.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 13, 2012

Which Gift?

Which of your gifts will you use today?

Will you use only one, or will you use many more?

What will happen today to inspire or cause you to use your gifts?

Your many gifts, your innumerable gifts, are your thought-wealth.

Where are your thoughts going?

Are they wasted, going out through criticism and judgement?

Are they wasted through fear?

Are they prosperous, looking for solutions?

Are they adventurous, willing to look at things differently?

We are all gifted.

We may pursue a profession or be drawn to a hobby.

We all have gifts of the soul.

We are here to prosper our gifts.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage