Saturday, July 26, 2014

Feeding By Uplifting and Sharing

In my music teaching career, I taught about 7,000 students, and as a symphony cellist, I performed for many more.

This is my equivalent of “feeding the seven thousand”.

When we teach, when we share what we know, when our work helps uplift others, we are feeding them with a better sense of life.

Maintaining an uplifting attitude about ourselves and others is something that we feel and project around us.

This is how we help move society and civilization forward.

We start the flow with uplifting ideas for ourselves, and then we see others in the same light.

They feel it, and share it, and we start seeing a better world around us.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, July 18, 2014

Why Don't You See What I See?

The sun shines on you at a slightly different angle than it does on me.

We each have different experiences and therefore, points of view.

The way we approach things will be different.

Since there are many ways to accomplish what needs to be done, we will all be able to participate.

We will lend our best skills to the task.

It will be stronger because of that.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 14, 2014

It's What you Have to Give

It’s what you have to give and to share that creates your life’s purpose.

What you have to give and share through that purpose is what makes you valuable.

When you look within for the purpose of giving and sharing, you find an unlimited Source.

You give of your heart’s rich overflow.

What you give from your heart because you love it so much is what people feel around you.

When you share what is valuable to you because you love it, everyone is uplifted.

Your life purpose, your giving, and your sharing is who you are.

It is your true value.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

A High Co-Efficient of "New"

“New” breaks the routine and puts you in a completely different frame of mind.

It requires daring, courage and a certain willingness to face risk.

Even if it involves following directions, that first time is laying dow a path in new ground.

Repetition lends new confidence, and finally, mastery.

“New” keeps you on your toes.

It creates a sense of adventure.

Cultivating the doing of new things or new ways adds alertness, appreciation and openness.

It takes nothing for granted.

There is an excitement which can become addictive.

I appreciate the special shifting ground of “new”.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, July 11, 2014

If You Just Do What is Needed

If you just do what is needed, you will prosper.

Do not get distracted by other’s views and also do not share much, if anything, about your project.

You are the privileged recipient of an individual idea.

You are the only one who can understand it and deliver it the best and the most appropriately.

You are the one to guard it, protect it, nurture it, and keep it pure.

You are being guided from the same Source that gave you the idea.

Listen quietly, deeply.

And then, just do what is needed.

You project will be successful and you will prosper.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Be Impelled

A new way to live is being impelled to act by something that you love to do so much.

Think about what you love.

What are you curious about?

What makes you feel so alive you just have to pursue it?

When you let it develop from the “within", you will be led, impelled, to take the steps which will place you where you want to be.

There will be no lasting disruption from what you do, as long as you are honest with yourself.

All that belongs with you on your journey will be with you.

All that does not belong will fall away to find its own direction.

Trust yourself that you are that valuable.

Be impelled to be who you really are.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

One Lumen

What good can I do?
Let good increase one lumen.
Light for everyone.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Artist's Courage

I bless the artist you are to become.

You have the strength to become the artist you are meant to be.

You have the courage to become the artist you are meant to be.

You have the self-respect to become the artist you are meant to be.

You have the conscious knowledge of the artist you are meant to be.

You have the dedication to become the artist you are meant to be.

You have the confidence to become the artist you are meant to be.

You have the innovation to become the artist you are meant to be.

You have the trust to become the artist you are meant to be.

When you give of yourself and release your art unconditionally and non-judgmentally, you will arrive at the financial success of being the artist you are meant to be.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage