Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Choose As Soon As You Can

Now that we are making the choices to do what we love, our lives are completely different.

We didn’t realize how completely we got sucked into what was going on around us.

Now that we are out and living on our land, we can see clearly that it is important to have a dream and to act on it as soon as you can.

It may be that you will be fighting upstream the whole time until you can get to your ideal situation.

It may be that you have some encouragement and support.

But whether you do or not, it is important to keep taking whatever steps you can toward your dream.

That way, you are putting the life that you want to live into action.

Otherwise, you are just reacting to the media harassment and crush of what everyone else is doing.

Now that we are out of it, and we were definitely individuals while we were living under such pressure, we are so relieved and grateful to find this peace and to be in sync with what is important to us.

Whenever you can, take yourself to a peaceful place.

Get quiet.


Listen within.

There is a different life available to you.

Let yourself be led and guided to it.

Do it soon.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Faithfulness and Insight

Do your work.

Ask for the inspiration to do your work well.

Become good, very good, at what you do.

Ask for inspiration for both the repetitious aspects and for new ideas.

At some point, there is a merging, a cross-over, and the repetitious, which has by now become automatic, leaves room for more inspiration and new ideas.

Beyond that comes insight.

There is simply something deeper.

Beyond the repetition, past the automatic, there is beauty, symmetry, and… something else.

Every time you reach the “something else”, you discover insight.

Your facility, your competence, your inspiration take you beyond what you are doing, into why you are doing it, into why it exists, and then you find your insight.

After that, you can take yourself through the steps pretty quickly and add the most value and satisfaction to your work through insight.

Then your work reaches farther and has more than just the physical result of providing you a living.

It lets you live more and more in the realm of inspiration and, ultimately, service.

Your life becomes something for more than yourself.

You become able to give others a glimpse into the deeper, more inspired aspects of your work.

You become able to inspire and uplift others, right where you are, as you go beyond yourself into the deeper work and service.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage