Friday, June 27, 2014

Ambassador of Love

I am an ambassador of love.

I have discovered the deep peace of doing what I love.

I have discovered how to get there and return there whenever I need to.

I have discovered the never ending source of ideas which I love to do.

And I am doing them.

I am an ambassador to the kingdom of doing what you love to do.

You perpetuate whatever you do by your continual thoughts about it.

Choose something you love to do and perpetuate that.

If you are not doing it yet and it doesn’t even look as though you will ever be able to do it or to even figure out what it is, develop a practice of going within.

Whenever you hear an argument against doing what you love or being who you are, go within.

that is where you will find you identity and that is what will guide you as long as you return to it over and over again.

My own journey took years and years, but it is worth it.

If I had not started, I would still be in an old role which I did not want to play.

But I discovered how to go within, and it is my constant practice now.

There are bigger and bigger vistas and opportunities for service.

It is the most fulfilling life I cold possibly live.

You deserve it, too.

Be your own ambassador of love.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We Are Givers

God gives and we give.

We are created in His likeness as givers.

More naturally pours in as we give.

Start the flow with giving.

Nature naturally gives.

The sun gives light.

Trees give oxygen.

Seasons give cycles of rain and temperature changes.

When we cultivate our unlimited spiritual nature, our innate gifts come t lights, and we, too, become givers.

We never run out of what is our by nature of our unique spiritual nature and identity.

The more we contemplate that and quietly accept and acknowledge our gifts, the more we have to share.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Your Affluence

I am looking out across a meadow to the trees.

Each leaf on every tree is performing photosynthesis.

The result is oxygen for all, nutrients and growth for the tree, habitat for insects, birds, small animals.

If you consider each one of your thoughts and think of it as a leaf, you have the potential to turn it into a self-sustaining thought.

When you share that thought, or direct it outward toward something or someone you see, you are supplying comfort and upliftment.

Your thought may turn into a product or service idea which will benefit many.

In that way, you are providing nutrients to the soul, a better attitude toward your job, perhaps eventually, employment for yourself and others.

It all starts from one thought, consistently maintained.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, June 13, 2014

Behind the Peace

You have a deep reality that is the soul of your existence.

You are not subject to the ups and downs of life when you are living your life from your deep soul-center.

You create a different reality for yourself.

This reality is based on your ideals.

It is based on your purity.

It is based on your deep intelligence.

You can tell the difference between what is real and what is being created to manipulate you.

Shut out all the noise and go deep within.

There is a reality there for you, a great comfort and a great calm.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 9, 2014

Cultivate Your Individuality

Within your consciousness there is something unique.

When you listen deeply within, you hear thoughts which are unique to you.

The more you listen, the more they identity themselves to you.

After a while, you realize that that is who you are.

You have a unique spiritual signature.

Mostly, we don’t pay attention to it.

We dress ourselves, go to work at jobs, transport ourselves, feed ourselves, entertain ourselves pretty much the way everyone around us does.

But when something calls our attention to it, through a book, an event, or a crisis, then we find there is a whole dimension to ourselves that we never knew about.

Once we discover that it exists, there is a whole new wonderful and amazing world for us to learn to live in.

There is one simple way to continue its exploration.

Listen within.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Don't Be Confused by a Relative

Until and unless someone is expressing good things about your higher nature, they have no right to influence your life.

With that criteria, you never have to be confused about where negative statements or influences are coming from.

It there are not lifting you up, they have no part in your life.

You do not have room for them.

You do not have to let them in.

This is your right.

This is your decision.

You are the master of what comes into your life.

When you are undisturbed, you can do your best work.

You can receive ideas that uplift you and others.

No one has the right to interrupt that flow.

As you become convinced of that, you will be led to the tools and techniques to regulate the flow of your own life.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage