Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Simple Solution

I have been plagued by someone who was interfering with a website name.  When it leaked over into my blog, I realized I needed a different kind of solution.

Even though I had invested seven years of blogging with that domain name, it was suggested to me to just drop the domain.

And so I have.

I do not need to engage with anyone who has a negative approach to doing business.

My business is to uplift and inspire.

And so I shall continue with my original desire to share inspiration and peace (SIP), unhampered by a lower type of thought.

Uplifting and sharing is never exploitation.

It never uses interference to force a profit.

I did not need to engage with a lower type of business practice.

I easily extracted myself.

Now I can continue to listen for good ideas to share.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Expect Niceness

What if we could all grow up being nice to one another?

To treating each other with respect?

To being considerate and understanding?

These are qualities which we learn to cultivate through the examples of people around us, through children’s stories of kindness, and through becoming mature.

The fear behind selfishness and bullying is evident.

The fear behind having to have so much that you are willing to take away the ability for everyone else to provide for themselves is evident.

We no longer need to glorify that kind of fear.

We can glorify the qualities in the “Book of Virtues” and in other moral writings.

We can make practical decisions, as most of us do, on the basis of creating policy which allows everyone to thrive.

We can back away from bullying in the financial and political spheres, just as we do in the lives of our children and in our own business dealings.

We can expect niceness.

We don’t have to be manipulated into buying something that is good quality.

When we support the practical art of seeing the true value of everyone, we will do the right thing by them and by ourselves.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Your Innocent Path

Take a path of joy.

Take a path of curiosity.

Take a path of delight.

Learn new things.

Learn practical things.

Learn beautiful things.

Learn to make things, all kinds of things.

Learn how to fix things so they will work well again.

Become skillful and competent.

Do things you love.

Discover beautiful places in Nature.

Take time to continually revive your soul.

Walk your innocent path.

Walk your power.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

New Wonderfulness

After watching the film “Prosperity” by Dr. Pedram Shojai , it made me feel so good to see all the solutions in action.  

Many businesses are operating under uplifting guiding principles which define their contributions to society, and they are making a good profit.

It made me feel good despite the desperation and rage and despair that the media is feeding us.

So now I know that what I do which is uplifting and gentle and good, is also powerful.

The new and wonderful ideas which come to me are worth completing, are worth bringing into production.

All the good qualities which I began researching as part of my spiritual study all my life are having an effect in my life.

They are touching all the children I taught, and they are touching all the people with whom I come into contact on a daily basis.

This is the quality of the thought I am sending out.

We can all see the results of the quality of thought which is promoted.

If we go along with it, we become part of the tide.

It can be a tide of despair or a tide of happiness.

When we value our own thought qualities and how they enable us to uplift our part of society, they give us a different kind of life.

We can continue to create new wonderful things which are good for people.

We always have the choice of joining in, whether to despair or to uplift.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 6, 2017

Keep Your Imagination Going

Even if you cannot implement your ideas right away, it is extremely important to keep brainstorming.

As you keep yourself alert, you keep expanding your ideas.

Eventually, something will call out to you so strongly that you will do it.

The fact that your mind is so flexible and used to looking for resources, will aid you immensely.

Your old ideas may have been what kept your mind alive until you could actually implement them.

If those are not the ideas you implement, it is because you have outgrown them, or they have served their purpose in keeping your mind alive.

Now, you can hone in on what you are truly drawn to.

You can let your imagination become your reality.

Once again, you can let your mind expand and imagine different places and ways to implement your idea.

You will follow up on resources or keep listening until the ideas come to you where to find them.

New combinations of ideas may result from all the resources and skills you have been developing while you were getting ready for a new phase in your life.

You will be ready to imagine them coming together and your habit of mind expansion will continue taking you outward until they all connect.

The habit of imagining is an expectation which brings realization and manifestation into your life.

Be opulent and generous in what you imagine.

Let all with whom you come in contact be blessed and uplifted by your service.

Keep imagining far and wide and make room for your most delightful dreams and blessings.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 25, 2017

Conscious Listening

Waking up in the night, I have learned to listen for the idea which I am to consider.

I may spend a couple of hours reflecting and meditating on what comes to me.

Sometimes I write down the reflection I have on the ideas.

Sometimes I am impelled to action, and I get up to work on or to finish a project.

The special quiet time allows me to listen and think with no distractions.

I can devote pure thought to the idea.

I can lay some issues to rest with concentrated thought and meditation.

If I reach an impasse, I can be satisfied to let it go for now.

If I reach resolution, I can be satisfied, too.

That deep listening time is precious.

I am grateful for the valuable work I can do during that time.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Seeing With an Expanded View

We are here to experience the things we see from our viewpoint.

We are then to improve upon them until we, and they, reach a state of joy, delight, harmony, beauty.

We reach that state by service.

We are to uplift through our perception and attitude.

When we are seen, it becomes a delivery of who we consciously are.

We are delivering our sense of the world and its possibilities.

We are foolish to be limited by what has already been and is considered common practice.

There is a way in which all things that are seen can be uplifted and improved.

The ways differ according to who is seeing them and the tools they are using to uplift the situation.

But they all have upliftment in common.

We move from our present sense of things to include more people in good, in harmony, in prosperity.

When we finally become unafraid to do this, unafraid that the limitations we see around us are the only view, then we become empowered to make the changes which uplift.

We are all empowered to do this in various ways.

We all come together at a certain time and in a certain way when the time is ripe.

We are seeing this now.

Enough people have had the kinds of experiences which compel them to share their new view with the kind of conviction to change our present course.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 1, 2017

Rhythm vs. Schedule

Running a household can be done well with a schedule.

It is best when it finds its own rhythm.

Activities and requirements are balanced, not forced into time periods.

I am enjoying finding the rhythm of my household.

Even with just two of us living here, instead of a household with many children and activities,  an ideal rhythm is emerging.

As I learn to incorporate new things, such as canning and gardening, and simplify others, the balance of thought all goes to things that I love.

I find time to do them which is not hurried time.

It is fine if I do them for a short or a long time.

It is fine if I do things in segments.

I have very few needs, and these never delay what I love to do.

As I experience the joy of learning new things, and learn to incorporate small steps more and more naturally, the rhythm shifts a bit here and a bit there.

Moving away from the idea of back to back scheduling is completely different from the way Western society is run.

Finding a balanced rhythm for living is gentle, consistent, relaxing, and effective.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Trust Your Giving

When you find your gift, you can give without restraint.

Your gift flows from an infinite Universe.

When you tune in and listen consistently, you continue to be guided to the most effective connections.

Your connection to the Infinite never runs out; as long as you listen for guidance, you are connected.

Your ability to receive ideas and take action continues in an ever abundant flow.

Give as you receive, unstintingly, without limit.

Share your gift.

Let all who can benefit receive it.

Reap the increase, and share some more.

It is so freeing to see how much you can receive and how much you can share.

Tuning in and listening quietly becomes such a natural process, that ideas which you receive become more and more natural to share.

You become focused on the listening and taking action process.

Since it is abundant and ever-flowing, your giving becomes abundant and ever-flowing.

You can trust your giving, because you have learned how to trust your receiving.

Inward abundance results in outward giving.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Your Idea Estate

What kind of estate are you creating for yourself?

You can do something besides collect stuff.

The ideas you develop can become your estate.

The services you provide can become your estate.

Your estate is the environment from which you create.

Your estate is the way you enjoy living.

It is something you create doing what you love.

Your estate is a state of mind, of generosity, of unlimited and realizable potential.

You create your estate by how you think about the world.

You create your estate by how you treat yourself and others.

The quality of your estate shows in the generosity of your thoughts and actions.

When they lift people up, you are increasing your estate, and theirs, too.

You let go of fear and selfishness which you contribute to the estate of others in this way.

You increase the value of your community with every uplifting thought, idea, product, service.

You increase the value of your life.

And you surround yourself with the good things which come from an uplifting life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Taking a New Path Feels Wonderful

Our distinct individuality actually directs us to take a new path.

The way others have done things were appropriate for their time, but each new person brings a new view to the world.

Things can be refined and improved or new ways can be found altogether.

We are each called upon to lift the level of society by our presence.

We can see more people doing things they love even as we do the thing we love.

We can see more fulfillment by solving the challenges to make it possible for there to be a wider feeling of fulfillment beyond our own.

Taking a new path feels wonderful as we discover how to bring all the elements for success into it.

We can move in the direction of our intuition and our generosity.

We can listen for inner guidance and take it seriously.

We can follow through on innovation and imagination.

We can trust our new direction and see it manifested in all its happiness and blessings to all directly involved and by those who hear about it.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Thursday, August 10, 2017

When You Love Your Life

When you bring elements together in your life which are balanced and beautiful, you create a fulfilling life.

When you do what you love, you attract more of what you love into your life.

Your life acquires a flow, a balance, as you locate the missing elements and attract them.

The only legitimate demands on you are the things which move you more toward the life you love.

Any distractions or obstacles have to go.

Although you may have helped take care of other people’s needs for your entire life, you must turn your energies solely toward yourself.

You are the one person who can invest totally in your life and goals.

These must become your focus as you maintain your balance.

All the elements which bless you and help move you forward create an attraction, a vortex, which pulls in what you need.

As you create the life you love, you naturally share the benefits to all around you.

As you learn to do the work no one else can do for you, you release others to do their own work as well.

Take courage, take heart, and take control.

You can use all your talents for yourself.

As you create the life you love, there will be plenty of room to encourage others.

Invest fully in yourself to see the unimaginable results you can create in no other way.

Love your life so much, that you do this for yourself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage
