Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Receiving Ideas

You need room in your life and in your mind to receive original ideas.

Usually, our lives are so filled with carrying out someone else’s instructions for work… 

or in school… 

or taking care of someone else’s needs at home. 

We cannot hear the ideas that are truly ours.

And yet, we exist to honor our individuality.

You can set an appointment to take care of any other kind of need.

One of the ways to do that is to provide a reception area.

Only this time, you are setting an appointment for yourself.

You are creating a place and time to receive the original ideas that are yours to express.

When you sit down with your journal and a cup of tea in a quiet and comfortable spot where you will not have any interruptions, you are preparing yourself to listen within.

As you breathe deeply and shut out the distractions, you feel yourself relax.

You sit quietly, with no demands on you.

This is your time.

You have prepared a space.

You have designated the time.

Now, you can listen.

Breathe.  Listen.  Write.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Monday, January 30, 2017

No Pushing

The right thing is always present.

It is so close, sometimes we can’t see it.

But, when we try to push or to speed things up, we lose it.

When we trust that things will happen at the right time, we don’t have to push.

We can continue doing the best we know, and improving how we do it.

Then, at some point, our good work may be seen and we may get the promotion, the next assignment, the best opportunity.

While we are working, it may seem that other people are getting ahead and that we are not.

But, once again, it is good to be attentive to details and improve even more.

Our good work may get recognized where we are, or another opportunity may open up for us.

Either way, a work ethic without pushing, but with continual striving to do our best, will benefit us all along the way.

A feeling of excellence is always welcome.

Without pushing, we can keep ourselves at such a standard.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Getting Happy Through Creativity

Today, after I took my daily political action and looked at more about the political mess, I went to Fiber Artists and Yarn Spinners on FB. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/fiberartists/?ref=br_tf)

There is so much beauty there.

People are making beautiful yarns from scratch, i.e. dyeing them and spinning them.

Every level of ability is represented, from beginners to experienced professionals.

I enjoyed seeing all the beautiful projects.

It is so lifting to the soul to see and participate in making beautiful things.

I love discovering things that make me happy.

I like living in a happy manner.

It is worth making the effort to be uplifting and to provide happy experiences for ourselves and for other people.

Creativity is one of the best ways to do this.

Join in, and make yourself happy, too.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 22, 2017


I define myself by my highest thoughts and actions.

My uplifting thoughts lead to uplifting actions.

That is how I am known.

I do my best work with uplifting thoughts.

I harm no one and I attract no harm.

I move from my centered harmonious core.

Therefore, I am not distracted by inharmonious or tense surroundings.

I know what I am bringing with my presence, and it is harmony.

I am clear about my purpose.

Everything I do is for that purpose.

My connections, my conversations, how and where I drive, finding and collecting materials, learning new skills, all support my purpose and move it forward.

I am never without my purpose.

It and my thoughts and the actions which proceed from them define who I am.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Friday, January 20, 2017


There is always a connection between what you love to do and people who want it.

There is always a connection between what you do well and those who will benefit by it.

The connecting mechanisms are systems of communication.

The communication starts with the idea which you receive.

It attracts the materials to create it.

It attracts the software to release it.

It attracts the transportation or transmission to move it.

It attracts the money to pay for it.

Your part in this particular series of connections is to receive the idea.

You may play a different role in other connections.

You may supply materials.

Or you may be the software developer.

Or you may be the client.

But you are always part of the connection from idea to beneficiary.

All of society is connected in these ways.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Weaving Your Own Weft

I am a new weaver, and this is what I have been learning about weaving and about life.

When a person begins a weaving project, they measure and then tie up the warp, the threads which go from the back to the front of the loom where the weaving will take place.

Then, they weave across the warp, to create the weft, over and under each thread, or a combination of threads, to create the patterns.

Think of your life as the warp.

What you and others contribute to your life creates the weft, the patterns.

As different things happen to you, the pattern changes.

Sometimes a lot of confusing things happen and the pattern gets really messy and unattractive.

If it gets too tangled, you can’t even see a pattern anymore.

In weaving, you can stop and cut the whole thing off or you can take the time to laboriously unweave the messy parts.

In life, when it gets so convoluted, you can also stop.

You can cut off the negative thoughts and reactions to messy experiences.

You can restate what you want to happen and how you want to feel.

You can shine some light on it, both from without (people who support you) and from within, from your own deep peace.

You can change what you see by changing what you feel.

You can redirect your thoughts until it becomes a habit to think the way you want to.

You will love what happens to your life pattern next!

And you can keep on creating beautiful patterns for your life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Beauty Right Now

Right now, I am appreciating the beauty all around me.

Nature, good conversation, the smell of a freshly baked pie.

All these things are given to me.

I can see them.

I am making beautiful things, with weaving, knitting quilting, sewing journal covers, drawing.

The power to be part of beauty is constant.

It is always possible to be participating in beauty.

Beauty exists for its own sake.

It has the effect of uplifting and inspiring.

It has the ability of refocusing people’s energy in a positive way.

When we are involved in appreciating and creating beauty, we are part of the powerful natural uplifting order of things.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Entering New Territory

My expectations are built on what has come before.

As I enter new territory, I find I am confronting fear, even though I have decided to move ahead.

This feeling, too, is familiar, and so I know I will deal with it.

The goal is worth it.

I want to have an expanded horizon.

My work has brought me to this point.

So I request “Show me” from the Universe and of course, It responds.

The ideas of what and where and when all flood in, but in a gentle and orderly way.

Once the Universe knows I am listening, It sends more.

I have learned to move at It’s pace.

After all, the many different factors all being coordinated must fit, as they always do, once I am prepared.

So, with new territory, new skills and new results, my experience expands once more.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Small Steps for Progress

Small steps enable progress to continue.

I start many projects, often multiples of one project, sometimes multiples of more than one project.

At some point, it is time for them to go to the next step.

When that happens, although it may not have been possible to move forward before, it becomes possible now.

That is when I take the next step.

Sometimes all the projects get done within a small timeframe because it is now possible to take that next step.

I have learned to trust that it is all right to begin lots of projects, and that they will all proceed to the next step at the right time.

I will be where I gain access to the right materials.

I will be able to get the right information.

Something will make sense to me which didn’t before.

Someone will mention something which triggers the right idea for me.

That is the point at which I can move forward.

I cannot rush it or push it or slow it down.

It progresses in its own time, sometimes one step, sometimes many steps.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage