Saturday, September 20, 2014

Different Seasons

“A time to sow and a time to reap”

So many ideas pass through our mind each day.

Which are the good ones?

When will they happen?

Often, thinking about an idea and developing it mentally is the “sowing” and the manifestation or “reaping” of it takes place much later.

The return from an idea may be the simple pleasure of thinking about it.

It may be the creation of an object or a business or a relationship.

Listening to the ideas which do pass through our mind lets us analyze which ones are original and which ones are just coming in through our surroundings.

It lets us discriminate between the ones which are productive and the ones which are just noise and repetition.

It shows us which ones are actually valuable, and which ones are useless.

We are able to refocus our attention on the ideas which we do want to see manifest and away from the undesirable ones.

We then “sow” what we do want to grow in our life, and we can expect to “reap” good things from it.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Your Mind Leads the Way

The new ideas you discover argue with the old ideas you received when you were little.

You draw conclusions.

You take a new path.

Or you entrench yourself more deeply in the old one.

Your mind leads the way.

Experiences tell you which is the most effective path to reach your goal.

If the old way is working, you continue to take that path.

If it is not, you become open, or possibly desperate, to find a new one.

Even if you are comfortable in an old way, you may discover, with your increased awareness, that it is not good for everyone.

With you increased awareness, you may desire good for everyone.

Then you mind will go to work on a new path and you will find a different way.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 15, 2014

Personality and Individuality

The way I am looking a it, personality is the part of me that judges and evaluates, and individuality is the part of me that simply expresses.

I lived a large proportion of my life involved with the issues, as in results of, personality.

After I got tired of those results, and realized the futility of them, I began to search rigorously for a different approach.

The one that ultimately made the most sense, was the path to “release my hidden splendor” from within.

This has turned out to be the most satisfying, the most fulfilling, and the most unlimited.

There is literally more pouring forth than I have room to accept.

I am now working as hard as I can, in complete joy and ecstasy in production, to release the portion that I can.

The switch from personality to individuality has started the process to release me from following other people’s lives with any kind of opinion whatsoever.

My individuality and the release of the ideas which come to me to uplift others, occupies all my time.

I trust this direction for myself, and I also trust the Universe’s delivery system to all of Its  own precious creation.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

My Own Art

Fiber has always spoken to me.

I love the textures of different fabrics and different weights of yarn.

The first drawings that I made were representations of flowers made out of fabric, different quilt blocks.

I also found I could draw from photographs of embroidery or patterns woven or printed on fabric.

On Master Naturalist field trips, I felt impelled to make simple botanical line drawings.

In that way, my fiber art is emerging.

I love combining different textures and shapes into journal covers.

I am struggling my way through a book on drawing birds.

I know the act o wielding the colored pencils to create the form will yield a better understanding of color, line and shadow.

It will come out in a different way in my fiber art.

Although occasionally I take a class, I am more influence by the artist blogs that I see.

I see how their work represents their feelings, their techniques, their materials.

I see how it speaks to me.

And then I let my materials, my techniques, my feelings, stitch and draw and crochet and arrange themselves in to my own fiber art.

It is an emerging process every day.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Your Own Wealth

Until you connect with your own wealth within, you will always be chasing after someone else’s version of it.

What the world presents as wealth is on the outside.

Your own inner wealth is the wealth of your soul.

When you invest your time to listen to your deep thoughts within, you will begin to discover your own wealth.

The more time you spend, devoting yourself to this investment, the more you will see it transform your surrounding into harmony and beauty.

You will make our own wealth;  your wealth will be attracted to you.

Your wealth will find its home within you, and surround you with it.

You will find you are living in comfort, the comfort of your soul.

What you are investing within ourself will appear outwardly as well.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What You Know and What You Don't Know

When you challenge yourself to go in a new direction, you use what you know to get there.

Then you discover what you don’t know, and you begin acquiring new knowledge.

This keeps expanding both your skills and your consciousness.

You acquire a taste for expansion and that stimulates our growth.

Take stock of what you know.

It is quite a lot.

And be aware of our goals.

Begin to take the first steps.
You will acquire what you need to speed your progress, slow or fast.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage