Do not let your mind be overtaken by violence.
Even though I am in an environment of many painful memories, I am able to access my deeper peace by some effort.
By writing, I am able to focus on the Source of my ideas.
This Source has been with me for my entire life.
More recently, I have learned how to access it for purposes of finding deep peace.
I am in the process of finding my “new” family as described in the experience of Job.
After Job’s many trials and through his faithfulness, it is recorded that his life was restored, but with a new family, which did not include a new wife.
My own interpretation of this story is that Job’s new family consisted of his students.
Though Job’s family of origin dropped away from him, and he from them, his students were able to see the new foundation which he had built through his trials.
They wanted something of this new interpretation of life.
When we meet a series of long-term trials, we too, can diligently search for a new foundation upon which to build, and find a “new” family.
© 2016 Kathryn Hardage