Monday, February 27, 2017

Unique Signature

What we do expresses who we are.

It has our unique signature on it.

As we put into practice the things that are important to us, we create a unique signature  atmosphere.

Our ideals about earth stewardship, relationship, right livelihood all express our unique identity.

We are creating our world by what we express.

When we intersect with those of like-mind, those ideals are expanded.

When we encounter those with differing practices, we adjust.

Each person is moving toward some type of goal, consciously or unconsciously.

If unconscious, the goal changes according to the strongest influence upon the person.

Developing our own consciousness from within insures that we stay on track to accomplish our goal.

Our collective attraction to uplifting ideals informs the unconscious.

Repeated exposure awakens it.

We know this because of our own awakening.

Our consistent compassionate practice creates a powerful attracting community signature.

Let us consciously expand this practice in every possible moment.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, February 24, 2017

Inner Sanctuary

As I hold my identity in my mind, I watch the rest of the world around me running in various directions.

Since it does not affect who I am, deep within, it no longer affects how I respond on the outside.

I respond from my deep sense of identity, even when I am dealing with all the mundane daily affairs of my life.

I know that everyone is managing the best they can.

Those who are finding their own deep peace convey a sense of poise no matter what else is happening.

I am glad when I, too, can do that, even though it is not all the time, yet.

But I have found it, and I trust the peace that I find there.

Whenever something does shake me up, it is for less time, as I find my focus within more and more quickly.

I love having this new sense of myself, undisturbed, standing true, faithful to my ideals.

I love that I can share it, so that more people can trust that they, too, have an inner sanctuary.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 20, 2017


I no longer fear abandonment because I know I can depend on myself.

In my early years, my touchstone was emotional abandonment and physical abuse.

While I was fearful of life’s experiences, I felt abandoned.

It was a negative feedback loop.

When I realized that my life had gone wrong, I began to take steps to right it.

I had to turn it upside down.

I found new skills, techniques, and self-respect.

I triumphed over a lot of internal bad habits.

Now, I know that I would never abandon myself.

I know how to recognize myself, who I really am, not the person with the bad training.

I had skills which I was taught very exactly and specifically.

I also had emotional habits which surrounded me.

Now, I was learning on my own.

Out of necessity, I had to develop new abilities myself.

It has used whole aspects of myself which I never knew existed.

They have had to learn how to wire and fire together in new ways.

I am a new person, and I really like being her.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, February 17, 2017

What We Are Seeing

Are you amazed at what you are seeing?

Personally, I am just appalled!

But I can’t get any of my spiritual work done if I stay in that frame of mind.

So, here is where I am going.

The workings of the hidden oligarchy are coming out in their most blatant form.

This is good.

They have been exposed by the opposite practice of idealism on the part of so many thousands more.

Idealism seeks to be practical and to include everyone.

So there is enough of that to draw the hidden selfishness and its manipulations to the surface.

This is great!

But do not get caught up in it.

Guard your own work and continue doing it.

It is of the greatest value now.

It is the culmination of your own ideals and practices up to this point.

They are getting stronger along with others of like-mind.

So keep going.

Observe, but only for a moment.

Keep living with your uplifting and inclusive attitude and we will all win.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, February 16, 2017

De-Clutter the News

I noticed a feeling of physical discomfort, a congestion-like headache, towards the end of a long drive to a class.

I thought about it and realized that I had felt perfectly fine all day.

As I checked, I realized the only thing I had been doing was listening to the news on the radio.

I had been eagerly reading the news posts during the day, and wanted to see what the radio news had to report.

I had gotten cluttered up with the news.

I needed to refresh myself with uplifting thoughts instead of immersing myself in the news.

So, I took the time before the class to relax and to clear my thought.

That made room for the information I was to receive in the class.

Throughout the class, I returned to my relaxed state to listen inwardly several times.

I was able to receive the inspirational information and to enjoy my drive back home in a comfortable and refreshed manner.

I will be sure to monitor my emotional intake regarding the news.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What Draws Us

We are attracted to that which uplifts us.

We sense it when there is some quality in what we see which makes us stop and look at it.

It can be a lovely garden or even a single plant.

It can be the way a display is arranged.

It can be how colors are combined in a design.

It can be how a piece of clothing is cut or ornamented.

We feel the intent of the artist, or gardener, or display builder.

When we create something, we are employing that same uplifting quality.

We want our idea to be expressed in what we are making.

We want people who see it to be drawn to it.

We cycle between creation and appreciation.

Every little thing we do between creation and appreciation helps uplift our day.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Habits of Consciousness

Ingrained habits are present through repetition, thousands and thousands of repetitions.

Changing our own habits occurs through awareness and then retraining our thoughts.

When a new idea is introduced, it comes up against the old habits.

A cultural norm is the result of centuries of tradition.

When differing cultures meet, the ingrained habits are introduced to one another.

Although a polite conversation could follow, that has not been the reaction of the past.

However, a new sense of the “rightness” of each culture for its time and place is emerging.

A shift to mental and intellectual consideration is beginning to override the visceral fears.

As many communities embrace several cultures, so the world is being introduced to that idea.

A measurement of school test scores shows that diversity is a strong positive influence, including in formerly low performing schools, as in (Clinton, Mississippi).

In places where everyone feels supported and safe, the time and energy devoted to fear is used to cultivate strong relationships in local economies instead.

Selective relationships within exclusive groups bring everyone down.

The abundance of many more thousands of connections creates invigorating expression and expands productive and harmonious activity.

We are given choices every day to create more expansive relationships, which, with repetition, will become new habits of consciousness.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Overcoming the Physiology of Memory

In reading Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books, I find it interesting how he describes habits start from mental direction, but then take over with physical expectations.

Breaking habits and changing direction requires repeated consistent conscious effort.

I am exploring this as I refine the direction I want to go, and have to rewrite the physical expectations I am used to.

What I remember is often no longer useful.

What is useful are my new skills and definitions.

It is good to pause and to allow a few moments to sift through the layers of expected effort, acknowledge them, and then move in a different direction.

Instead of pushing through to the desired result, I am allowing a new rhythm to develop.

I am filling in gaps.

I am letting a directed, defined approach replace hurried tension.

I am acknowledging that it is perfectly reasonable for this to take time, as I move from observing my behavior to defining it differently.

I am finding a new kind of self-respect.

Instead of being really, really good at following directions as quickly as possible, I am letting my deeper self define my life and my outward actions.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, February 3, 2017

To Live for Self or For Principle

To live for self or for principle?

An important question.

Living for self can be quite gratifying.

It is easy to make decisions based on who will benefit.

Living for self attunes you to larger, bigger, stronger, more powerful “selfs”.

Because all you feel is your own want, your own self, you can easily be overpowered by a larger “self”.

You want what this larger “self” can give you.


Living for principle gives you a wider view.

It gives you compassion.

It is easy to make decisions based on who will benefit.

Living for principle attunes you to those who live with this expansive view.

Because all you feel is principle, you can easily be powered by more compassion, more generosity.

You want what this larger view can give you.


© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Beyond Reason

We have hit a point beyond reason.

The agitation we are feeling has been building for millennia.

It is now time for everyone to experience the good and freedom available to some.

Time has evolved beyond defined gender roles and work limitations; freedom of expression tastes too good to be put away.

There is room for artists, responsible energy, and uplifting education and invention in every field.

We all have immense value, and now we can all live well, inspired by each other’s contributions.

It is unreasonable because it is being achieved anyway, against all reason.

It is the power of joy and compassion linked with every productive means which is making this possible.

What a great time, the momentum to live beyond reason.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage