Thursday, June 29, 2017

Building on Light

Every step that I take which moves me in a positive direction is built on light.

I move from that step into more light.

Each step is made up of light.

I carry the inspiration of one step with me to catch the light of the next step.

I am always moving in light.

As I desire to express light, I am drawn toward good ideas.

The resources to help me are included as I take each step.

The goal moves along with me and inspires me.

I gain courage and energy as I take the next step.

When I pause to consider my position, I am raised from discouragement as I listen for the next step to take.

I discover that I am always moving in light.

All I desire to do is to be uplifted and to help uplift others.

We can all feel the inspiration of the light and take our steps.

Our whole community can feel the influence of the light which includes everyone.

Let us listen and feel the light and take those steps.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Move into Your Strength

When are you going to move into your strength?

When you value who you are, you move into your strength.

Your strong convictions about the issues confronting you is part of your strength.

Knowing how to express your convictions is another factor of your strength.

Being unwilling to compromise on your core values is strength.

Being willing to defend someone else’s right and ability to express themselves is another form of strength.

Move into your strength gently, steadily, fiercely.

Move into your strength with great joy.

Celebrate yourself for your convictions.

Celebrate yourself for your innovations.

Celebrate yourself for your originality.

Celebrate yourself for your intuition.

Celebrate yourself for your empathy and sensitivity.

These all are your strengths.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 26, 2017

A Manageable Life

A manageable life begins with doing what you love.

You must focus yourself in that direction in order to bring the rest of your life into alignment with happiness and satisfaction.

You will attract the resources you need from every possible direction.

They will show up in simple and amazing ways.

Remember that you deserve this focus of happiness and satisfaction.

You are here to share your gifts.

Your happiness and satisfaction contributes to the well-being of those around you.

As you learn to draw upon the infinite resources that appear to you and let them flow throughout your life, they will enrich your community.

The health and harmony of this approach leaves no one out; it includes everyone.

Your life-force, business-force, relationship-force will uplift and inspire all those who come in contact with you.

They will feel the presence of possibility in their own lives.

Their gifts will enlarge and expand their happiness and satisfaction and enrich the community.

The focal point of doing what you love brings harmony throughout your community.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 19, 2017

The Inner Dynamic

When you are thinking about a problem, you set loose an inner dynamic to help you solve it.

You draw on all your known resources.

You look for everything you can possibly apply to it.

Then, you let your inner dynamic work on it.

This is a combination of all your previous experiences and all the things you hope to accomplish.

It will yield the steps to take and types of resources you will need.

It will attract those persons, locations and other connections which you need in order to carry out your solution.

All these workings go on in your mind below consciousness.

Then, when the solution is ready, one by one, the steps will appear to you.

As you take the first one, the next one will be revealed.

As they unfold to you, you will see the unique signature of your inner dynamic.

It is your best sense of the project which is revealing itself.

Unexpected routes, plans, connections may result.

Decided success is to be expected.

You are drawing out more than you are aware off every time you make the connection to your inner dynamic.

It gives an intense vibrancy and radiance to your work.

It is an essential element which lights up what you do.

Your inner dynamic is a fulfilling and invigorating life-source which infuses who you are.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Avoiding Your Perfect Job

Are you avoiding your perfect job?

Do you feel stuck where you are an unable to change direction?

If you are dissatisfied with the interest and challenges on your current job, or if you feel this is not the best use of your time in any way, you may be ready to find your perfect job.

What are your feelings about what you would really like to do?

Do you come back to the same idea over and over again.?

If so, this is a sign directing you to give it further consideration.

You do not have to figure out how to bring it about.

In fact, there are usually so many unanswerable questions and obstacles at this stage, that it would be impractical and impossible for you do so.

However, by building on your feelings toward a particular business or idea for service you will begin to gain a sense of direction.

Listen inwardly to feel your deep connection to the idea.

Enjoy the possibilities.

Explore the different directions this could take you.

As you spend time in your deep feelings about your idea, the first tine step to take will come to you.

As you follow through on this tiny step, the next step will come to you.

Continue to return to your deep desire to perform the service or create the product, and you will continue to find the next steps.

As you continue to build your foundation, all the other steps, connections, people, resources will come into view and you can follow up on them.

This is the way to find your perfect job and to love being there.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 12, 2017

Writing Success into Your Story

The habits of living are so in-bred with so much life-practice that it is hard to change course completely.

Even a desire for success may have to be written into the context of your life-story.

You may follow a completely new way to success, one that has never been done before.

While divesting yourself of your baggage, you can find a way to success.

As you keep learning the new techniques you need to deal with your dystopian past, you can build on those techniques for building your own new success.

The goal is to thrive.

Any way that you can combine ingredients to create a life that you value is just fine.

I find myself trying desperately to pull myself back into “normal”, but there is so much work to be done in order to do that, that I would rather invent a new way.

Invention is something I have experience with.

I invented a place to live inside my head when the going got too rough.

I invented games, characters, events, a running-away story.

I have invented a music reading readiness method.

I have invented songs, fingerplays, chants.

I am inventing a new way to live following my dream of homesteading.

So I can invent my own new way to success as well.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Learning From the Infinite

When you look at Nature, you can see so many leaves.

Leaves on one tree, different varieties of trees and all their leaves.

Other patterns in Nature demonstrate more functional design elements, the shapes of seeds, the different roles of grasses, specific varieties of plants for differing geographies.

When we think a thought, it can go many directions.

It can comfort or uplift, or it can deride, condemn and punish.

In Nature, each step is for increase and succession for the next season.

What if we considered our thoughts in the same way?

Let’s use them for increase and succession for the next harvest.

What is is we wish to harvest?

Good feeling for all around us and throughout the world.

A safe and productive atmosphere in which to live and work.

Interesting and challenging work which compliments the environment and resources around us.

Respect for the air we breathe.

We have unlimited thoughts to send us in any direction.

Let’s send them in the direction of solutions and see how far they can reach.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Different Directions

Go in all those different directions at once.

Try them all out.

See which ones work for you.

Take the parts which are effective and combine them.

Your own new direction fits in its own unique place.

It reaches those whom it is intended to benefit.

Your ability to think in new directions has allowed you to reach them.

You can continually refine and expand what you do by continual exploration.

You keep your business fresh and innovative.

Discovery is a constant happiness.

Improvement challenges everyone to climb higher.

Take a look at everything that comes within your view.

If you can see it, it has something for you.

If you can see it, you have something for it.

Expand, generously.

Follow the best paths for now and follow the best paths later.

There is nothing limiting you.

Go in all those directions at once.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 3, 2017


It is hard to  pullback when you get overwhelmed, but it is important to do so.

No matter what is going on outside you, in the news, or even in your personal life, you have a distinct identity of your own.

Pulling back lets you consciously reenter your quiet space within.

That is where reflection takes place and action originates.

This puts you back in control of your life and emotions.

Instead of reacting to the outer world, you begin to take back control for yourself.

The more you live from within your own identity, the more control you will have over your world without.

Manipulators and harassment go hand-in-hand.

The more you can be distracted, the less you will get done for yourself.

Without the built-in habit of listening from within, you, too, will get caught in the tide and be pulled in the overwhelming direction.

So, be true to your own peace.

Listen within.

Visit and revisit the world you have created for yourself in peace and reflection, and let that direct your action and interaction with the outside world.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage