Every step that I take which moves me in a positive direction is built on light.
I move from that step into more light.
Each step is made up of light.
I carry the inspiration of one step with me to catch the light of the next step.
I am always moving in light.
As I desire to express light, I am drawn toward good ideas.
The resources to help me are included as I take each step.
The goal moves along with me and inspires me.
I gain courage and energy as I take the next step.
When I pause to consider my position, I am raised from discouragement as I listen for the next step to take.
I discover that I am always moving in light.
All I desire to do is to be uplifted and to help uplift others.
We can all feel the inspiration of the light and take our steps.
Our whole community can feel the influence of the light which includes everyone.
Let us listen and feel the light and take those steps.
© 2017 Kathryn Hardage