Sunday, August 27, 2017

Trust Your Giving

When you find your gift, you can give without restraint.

Your gift flows from an infinite Universe.

When you tune in and listen consistently, you continue to be guided to the most effective connections.

Your connection to the Infinite never runs out; as long as you listen for guidance, you are connected.

Your ability to receive ideas and take action continues in an ever abundant flow.

Give as you receive, unstintingly, without limit.

Share your gift.

Let all who can benefit receive it.

Reap the increase, and share some more.

It is so freeing to see how much you can receive and how much you can share.

Tuning in and listening quietly becomes such a natural process, that ideas which you receive become more and more natural to share.

You become focused on the listening and taking action process.

Since it is abundant and ever-flowing, your giving becomes abundant and ever-flowing.

You can trust your giving, because you have learned how to trust your receiving.

Inward abundance results in outward giving.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Your Idea Estate

What kind of estate are you creating for yourself?

You can do something besides collect stuff.

The ideas you develop can become your estate.

The services you provide can become your estate.

Your estate is the environment from which you create.

Your estate is the way you enjoy living.

It is something you create doing what you love.

Your estate is a state of mind, of generosity, of unlimited and realizable potential.

You create your estate by how you think about the world.

You create your estate by how you treat yourself and others.

The quality of your estate shows in the generosity of your thoughts and actions.

When they lift people up, you are increasing your estate, and theirs, too.

You let go of fear and selfishness which you contribute to the estate of others in this way.

You increase the value of your community with every uplifting thought, idea, product, service.

You increase the value of your life.

And you surround yourself with the good things which come from an uplifting life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Taking a New Path Feels Wonderful

Our distinct individuality actually directs us to take a new path.

The way others have done things were appropriate for their time, but each new person brings a new view to the world.

Things can be refined and improved or new ways can be found altogether.

We are each called upon to lift the level of society by our presence.

We can see more people doing things they love even as we do the thing we love.

We can see more fulfillment by solving the challenges to make it possible for there to be a wider feeling of fulfillment beyond our own.

Taking a new path feels wonderful as we discover how to bring all the elements for success into it.

We can move in the direction of our intuition and our generosity.

We can listen for inner guidance and take it seriously.

We can follow through on innovation and imagination.

We can trust our new direction and see it manifested in all its happiness and blessings to all directly involved and by those who hear about it.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 10, 2017

When You Love Your Life

When you bring elements together in your life which are balanced and beautiful, you create a fulfilling life.

When you do what you love, you attract more of what you love into your life.

Your life acquires a flow, a balance, as you locate the missing elements and attract them.

The only legitimate demands on you are the things which move you more toward the life you love.

Any distractions or obstacles have to go.

Although you may have helped take care of other people’s needs for your entire life, you must turn your energies solely toward yourself.

You are the one person who can invest totally in your life and goals.

These must become your focus as you maintain your balance.

All the elements which bless you and help move you forward create an attraction, a vortex, which pulls in what you need.

As you create the life you love, you naturally share the benefits to all around you.

As you learn to do the work no one else can do for you, you release others to do their own work as well.

Take courage, take heart, and take control.

You can use all your talents for yourself.

As you create the life you love, there will be plenty of room to encourage others.

Invest fully in yourself to see the unimaginable results you can create in no other way.

Love your life so much, that you do this for yourself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage