Sunday, August 31, 2014

Be a beginner

When you are willing to be a beginner, you are able to try out new things, develop new interests.

As a beginner, it is imperative to approach your new direction without judgement.

Of course, you are not going to be good at it right away.

You are still learning its vocabulary.

There are new tools, new moves, new words.

Everything is new.

Some things are easy and some things are just downright impossible at first.

When I realized how much I wanted to move in a particular direction, I began studying the things I thought I would need to know.

Over a period of four years, I took workshops, got certifications, training, experiences in as many things as I could gain access to in my current location.

Now that I am here, I am finding all of it useful, but of course, I still need to know more.

So, even as I am gaining experience, I am still a beginner.

My husband is willing to be a beginner, also.

He is having to figure things out based on his current knowledge and what he can pick up from other sources.

He is using skills from his original seventh-grade shop class, plus fifteen years of experience helping other people learn how to build things.

We are both stepping out in new directions and it is both exhilarating and scary.

Since we have anticipated that, we are more prepared.

It is exciting to take new steps and develop a life-long dream.

We are willing to be beginners.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 17, 2014

After Running the Numbers...

After running the numbers, what is it that you really want to do?

Although you may be able to quantify some aspects of your desire, you really don’t know the return until you invest yourself in it.

You have a dream.

You have a gift.

It is tugging at the edge of your consciousness.

It shows up in your dreams.

You find yourself drawn to go a certain route and you run into something meaningful and important that you were not consciously thinking about.

This is your guide.

This is your moment.

This is your true reality.

Follow it.

Let it reveal itself to you in all its splendor.

Quit counting up what you can count on.

It could disappear tomorrow.

But right now, within you all the time, is this message, pounding with your heart beat, your reality, what you are meant to do.

Quit running the numbers, drop everything, and take off!

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Principles to Live By

We are overloaded only if we are going in the wrong direction - a single step, even turning to look is overload.

We have an infinite capacity if we are going in our inspired direction. 

Every step is poised, and brought into true alignment.

One - We live in a Beneficent Universe

Two - Everyone is loved, cherished, adored.

Three - What we do, we do for the upliftment of all.

Four - All have the right and privilege and responsibility to discern where they fit.

Five - All contribute to the common good.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage