Saturday, December 12, 2015

Do What You Enjoy

I have been making time to discover what I enjoy doing.

Now that I am doing it more and more, I am so happy.

Many more ways of sharing what I love to do are opening up.

I almost began to feel rushed to do them.

But, rushing and pressure are not part of joy.

So I am scaling back to infuse even more joy into what I do.

The most wonderful thing is how this commitment to joy is erasing the old pressures and anxieties.

It is making more and more of my life joyful and joyous.

I had o idea I could layer more and more happiness into my life.

Searching for ways to consciously define what I love to do have done this for me.

The joy is infusing itself naturally into all area of my life, the more I do what I enjoy.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Do You Trust Yourself?

Do you trust yourself to learn what you need to know?

Do you trust yourself to figure it out?

If you can read directions, and you give yourself the time you need, you can put it together.

If things are not working out, no matter what yo try, do you trust yourself to go get advice ad help from someone else?

Then you can take the next step.

The more you do this, making the modifications you need for your particular situation, the more you will be able to trust yourself for the next adventure, project, goal.

You are building up connections within yourself, specific competencies which then give you the experiences you need to be confident.

Every practical skill requires knowledge and practice.

You give this to yourself every time you take on something new and develop it.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage