Monday, September 25, 2017

Conscious Listening

Waking up in the night, I have learned to listen for the idea which I am to consider.

I may spend a couple of hours reflecting and meditating on what comes to me.

Sometimes I write down the reflection I have on the ideas.

Sometimes I am impelled to action, and I get up to work on or to finish a project.

The special quiet time allows me to listen and think with no distractions.

I can devote pure thought to the idea.

I can lay some issues to rest with concentrated thought and meditation.

If I reach an impasse, I can be satisfied to let it go for now.

If I reach resolution, I can be satisfied, too.

That deep listening time is precious.

I am grateful for the valuable work I can do during that time.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Seeing With an Expanded View

We are here to experience the things we see from our viewpoint.

We are then to improve upon them until we, and they, reach a state of joy, delight, harmony, beauty.

We reach that state by service.

We are to uplift through our perception and attitude.

When we are seen, it becomes a delivery of who we consciously are.

We are delivering our sense of the world and its possibilities.

We are foolish to be limited by what has already been and is considered common practice.

There is a way in which all things that are seen can be uplifted and improved.

The ways differ according to who is seeing them and the tools they are using to uplift the situation.

But they all have upliftment in common.

We move from our present sense of things to include more people in good, in harmony, in prosperity.

When we finally become unafraid to do this, unafraid that the limitations we see around us are the only view, then we become empowered to make the changes which uplift.

We are all empowered to do this in various ways.

We all come together at a certain time and in a certain way when the time is ripe.

We are seeing this now.

Enough people have had the kinds of experiences which compel them to share their new view with the kind of conviction to change our present course.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 1, 2017

Rhythm vs. Schedule

Running a household can be done well with a schedule.

It is best when it finds its own rhythm.

Activities and requirements are balanced, not forced into time periods.

I am enjoying finding the rhythm of my household.

Even with just two of us living here, instead of a household with many children and activities,  an ideal rhythm is emerging.

As I learn to incorporate new things, such as canning and gardening, and simplify others, the balance of thought all goes to things that I love.

I find time to do them which is not hurried time.

It is fine if I do them for a short or a long time.

It is fine if I do things in segments.

I have very few needs, and these never delay what I love to do.

As I experience the joy of learning new things, and learn to incorporate small steps more and more naturally, the rhythm shifts a bit here and a bit there.

Moving away from the idea of back to back scheduling is completely different from the way Western society is run.

Finding a balanced rhythm for living is gentle, consistent, relaxing, and effective.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage