Wednesday, May 29, 2013

See Through It

All this miasma and mesmerism is to shut us all down.

To take away our calm and happy thoughts so that we are always in turmoil and cannot think clearly.

I am walking through the “valley of the shadow of death” itself as I realize this strategy.

But, I have been through many versions of this.

This one is just on a different scale.

But it is propagated by the very same forces.

The opposite of ONE.

The opposite of unselfish love.

So, that’s OK.

I can still hear my direction, my peace, my intelligence.

And so can everyone who turns from this as a dream and as an impotent nightmare.

I know we are all having the same dream, but I can change my response to it.

I can agree, that, yes, it is what we collectively believe is happening.

But there are some of us who see behind the scenes.

There are many who are sharing their vision.

Which one do we want to experience?

We will watch what develops, but we will have our peace, our joy, our imagination.

And we will create something else.

We will create it with our imagination until it becomes the reality.

And all it takes is NOW.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Having a Voice

Whether you have ever used yours, or not, you have a voice.

Obviously, I am not talking about just conversation.

But deeply thinking about your view of things.

Does it fit the world view around you?

Are you surrounded by other thinkers?

Think deeply.

And when you cannot resist it any more, speak out.


Write a letter.

Just write to yourself.

Keep a journal.

But articulate your thoughts.

Once they are out of your mind, on paper,  you can take another kind of look at them.

What do they sound like outside your head?

What are they saying?

Are you a true original or are you just copying what is around you?

Are your thoughts moving you in a direction you want to go or are they stuffing you into an imperfect fit?

Take a look at your thoughts.

Voice them in some way.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Ordinary Leads to the Extraordinary

How often does this happen?

We are all here.

We look pretty much alike.

We all have many of the same habits, wants and needs.

So how do we become extraordinary?

There is something very special, very individual within.

How we cultivate that determines what becomes extraordinary.

Do we value ourselves?

Probably not.

We have certainly, through eons, been taught to conform in order to survive.

What if, deep within, buried beneath that conformity, there is something that wants to advance society?

In some way, for some reason, there is a feeling that life could be different, better.

You may want to see people valued for their individuality.

You may want to see everyone lifted up.

You may want to see opportunities for expression in different ways.

So, watch the steps that appear as your feelings get the better of you.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Money Experience

Yesterday, I met a man who knows money.

Money is close to him and it is no big deal.

He helps other people get money, because he knows money.

He is still working on his other issues, but money is not one of them.

It was fascinating to converse with him and hear this attitude.

I realized just that.

That money, and everything else we experience, is just an attitude.

Just having that knowledge, and a window into this man’s mind, I realize that it is there.

That is where it is.

It is all in the mind.

I now have a window into that experience.

The money experience.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

I Asked For Help and I Got It

As I planned a large project, I realized I would need help.

Because I am getting better and better at tuning in the Universe, I knew right away where and how to solicit the help, and that I would get it.

I took the steps, got prepared for the project and basically, welcomed the people who came over to help.

As I have learned, there is always a sense of community that develops when we are all working on a project which we choose, together.

Everyone brings resources and knowledge and experiences to share.

It is good to move in a direction which is pleasing.

It is also good to know I can get help whenever I need it.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, May 12, 2013


You are the person who knows what you put into your life and why.

Although there are many hidden factors, the ones you choose are the most influential.

As you discover the hidden drivers, you can even change those.

How you live and how you teach your children to live are vital and crucial to the advancement of society.

You can never overestimate their importance.

All the superficial things,, i.e. everything else, pales in comparison to the reasons you conduct yourself the way you do.

If you are a reactor, then society and its tools can buffet you this way and that.

If you have a philosophy and consciously practice it, then that is your immoveable path.

You raise your children in the atmosphere of what is important to you.

You carry out your work in the atmosphere of what is important to you.

If you are satisfied with your ideals, and live up to them as much as you can, then your children and everyone around you sees and feels that influence.

That is powerful.

That is your value.

It is priceless and immeasurable.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Morning Beginnings

What is the most important thing I have to do today?
I have to get my mind in focus.
In order to do that, I listen to the Universe.
Just getting in touch with my Higher Power and Higher Self allows me to have a completely different kind of day.
It’s like I am on a parallel track, but one that has all the advantages.
Sometimes I am connected in ways that I never expected.
Other times, my best intentions come to fruition.
Either way, it is completely different from trying to manipulate the circumstances.
I am so grateful to discover this through all my inspired-writer mentors.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, May 6, 2013

Radical Daydreams

Are you repeating yourself?

Are your paths the same ones day after day, year after year?

What’s new?

If you find yourself in a rut or in a bind, it is time to try something radically different.


What is the most outrageous thing you can daydream about?

Where can you see yourself?

What is the most different thing you have ever thought of trying?

Put yourself there.

It costs nothing to imagine it.

Place with the scene.

Who else is there?

What’s the view?

Where do you go once you arrive?

Feel the feelings.

Invent the circumstances.

Go back and visit often.

You are building new paths for your thoughts to play in.

Take a refreshing new radical view.

Someday, you just might go there.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, May 3, 2013

Working Capital

As a small business owner, I receive a lot of calls soliciting business.

One type is business loans.

In developing my true business, I found that the place for me to find whatever I needed at any time, is within.

It began with finding the original idea.

Then, more ideas to populate my business plan.

I was led to get instruction for how to build and present my products.

The latest guidance from within is about communication and distribution.

So now that I know where everything comes from and how to execute my business plan, why would I ever think I need something from without?

The very idea of getting something “without” is a contradiction.

If something is “without” me, how can I do it?

And how can something from “without” add to something which is “within”?

I am grateful I have discovered the Universe of Within where everything already is, and where it is waiting for me to ask for it.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage