Saturday, August 31, 2013

How I See It

What I see is a world full of people who enjoy being with each other.

Where we all want for each other what we want for ourselves.

Individualities exist, although class distinctions do not.

People are not struggling to expand the empires of others.

Individuals are not expanding their empires at the expense of others.

All have found fulfilling work and they love what it does for their sense of community and contributing to the economy of the world.

Of course, I am defining economy more in the terms of Gross National Happiness rather than the old, tired practice of Gross National Product.

Since we want to take into consideration all the factors of production, let’s count the renewable resource of happiness among them.

How can we contribute to the renewal of happiness?

Start with the little elements that are in control in our little segment of our world.

Let it trickle upward.

And upward.

And upward.

Let it renew the atmosphere around our leaders, so that they too, want to expand the happiness of all those within their lives, thoughts and jurisdictions.

What is the new way of thinking about happiness so that it is available to everyone?

What are the ways that laws can be applied to include good for everyone within their reach?

How can we express our joy at the unlimited resources that happiness brings into our lives and the lives of others when we do this?

We can celebrate with more and more people as our renewable resource of happiness expands to include all of them, all of us.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Remaining True

You have a vision.

You have discovered it.

It is your true direction.

You have been gaining the skills and knowledge to carry it out.

Continue in your path.

Do not short-change yourself.

If you do get distracted, come back.

You will do it.

You are doing it.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Manifestation vs. Earnings

An idea manifests itself.

It attracts what it needs in order to be manifested.

We receive an idea which we love so much, we are motivated until we bring it into form.

When we are hired to help bring someone else’s idea into form, we earn our wages.

We each have our gifts.

We may not recognize them yet.

We may recognize them, but have put barriers in front of them.

Which way do you want to live and work?

Bringing forth something you love enough to overcome all the obstacles?

Or working for someone else who pays you to help them bring forth their idea?

In which way are you more valuable?

In which way are you most valuable to yourself?

In which way will you most benefit society as a whole?

In which way will you most benefit yourself?

Why, on earth, are you here?

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Infinity is Dancing

Infinity is dancing through me.

I seem to know the steps.

I feel my whole new world inside me coming out.

This one is over.
When I hear bad news and realize how it makes me feel, I look for a way to feel better.

I have been learning from so many wonderful inspirational writers how to look within for whatever I need.

So, to feel better, I look within.

I am trusting this experience more and more.

We are on a search for better living space.

As we acknowledge that our needs have changed since raising seven children, we are considering different possibilities.

When we consider the typical ones, I find they do not make me feel happy.

So we started considering ideas that are farther outside typical ones.

We are looking at different neighborhoods in different parts of town.

We are looking at renting, buying, sharing.

We are looking for space for my husband’s woodshop.

We are having a blast!

We are making room for a place that will make us feel good in our changing circumstances.

That feels like a much better criteria than our previous view.

I like the idea that a place should feel good and make me happy.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What Are You Valuing Most About Yourself Today?

Your bank account?

Your body mass index?

Your closet full of clothes?

Your friends and their opinions?

Current news topics?

The state of your household?

As I used to watch the millions of thoughts that fly through my mind during the day, I realized that very few of them were taking me in the direction I wished to go.

They were not adding to my value.

I was spending lots of time in thoughts about various topics, and many of them were negative thoughts.

Through a lot of study, I have become very selective about what I think about.

I want it to add to my value.

I value most my ability to stop and become conscious of what I am thinking about now.

I value most my ability to choose which direction I want to send my thoughts.

I value most my ability to change my direction in life and to make it more productive and positive.

As I do this, I notice my bank account, body, clothing, friends and the news take up a lot less room in my thoughts.

Everything feels better about me.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

If you would like to download a printable version of this meditation, please go to:

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wonderful Things

I had to remind myself that there is peace and calm in a sense of expansion.

Instead of getting so excited that there is not room for any other feelings, I can be pleased and appreciative in a sincere and happy way, and still feel the glow of being myself all over.

That glow is the Universe’s interpretation of me.

The Universe already knows about all the exciting things that are happening.

So, getting the jolt of excitement isn’t what is really the most fruitful feeling.

Of course, wonderful things are happening.

That is our expectancy.

Feeling good about an event doesn’t mean we have to lose our perspective on the glow that is all-pervading throughout our lives.

We can’t even really add anything to an all-pervasive glow.

We can just notice that there is a little something extra that we and others are perceiving at that moment.

When we are living in expectation of wonderful things, of course they show up.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage