What I see is a world full of people who enjoy being with each other.
Where we all want for each other what we want for ourselves.
Individualities exist, although class distinctions do not.
People are not struggling to expand the empires of others.
Individuals are not expanding their empires at the expense of others.
All have found fulfilling work and they love what it does for their sense of community and contributing to the economy of the world.
Of course, I am defining economy more in the terms of Gross National Happiness rather than the old, tired practice of Gross National Product.
Since we want to take into consideration all the factors of production, let’s count the renewable resource of happiness among them.
How can we contribute to the renewal of happiness?
Start with the little elements that are in control in our little segment of our world.
Let it trickle upward.
And upward.
And upward.
Let it renew the atmosphere around our leaders, so that they too, want to expand the happiness of all those within their lives, thoughts and jurisdictions.
What is the new way of thinking about happiness so that it is available to everyone?
What are the ways that laws can be applied to include good for everyone within their reach?
How can we express our joy at the unlimited resources that happiness brings into our lives and the lives of others when we do this?
We can celebrate with more and more people as our renewable resource of happiness expands to include all of them, all of us.
© 2013 Kathryn Hardage