We are receiving all kinds of messages all day and even when we wake up during the night.
What, exactly, are they all about?
The most obvious and blatant of them are advertising messages, powerful colorful images with noisy, memorable catch phrases.
There are also embedded messages in our consciousness, put there from our first moment of arrival at birth.
There are all the messages we have picked up from our environments, home, school, work.
And there are the messages from deep within.
In order to hear the messages from deep within, we have to listen.
We have to consciously shut out all those other messages.
We have to provide a moment and a place for reflection.
When we begin to devote ourselves to quiet reflection and listening, we receive a different kind of guidance.
It is guidance by feelings.
We feel impelled to do something.
Not driven from the outside.
Not required by habit.
Not part of a business plan.
Instead, a quiet impulsion.
This is our deep individual nature being heard.
These are the only important messages we will ever receive.
These messages take care of our every need.
Once we start cultivating them, we will express our unlimited deep nature more and more of the time.
We will find that it meets our need for expression in the fullest, most satisfying way.
And it meets the needs of those around us who may most benefit from it.
It supports us and our family.
It makes a contribution to society and helps uplift civilization.
Let’s shut out the barrage and clutter of all the other messages and choose what we hear.
© 2013 Kathryn Hardage