I am in charge of listening.
That is what I am in charge of.
Whatever is happening to me is on the outside.
My response, if I am doing it right, is to listen.
Then I do not react.
I am lead to respond in the most appropriate way.
Although my life is full of my own opinions plus all the ones I have accepted about myself from other people, these are not reliable guides.
They are merely based on what has gone before.
They are based on the past.
They are based on collective experiences.
These are not necessarily solution-based.
Reacting to present circumstances based on the past only guarantees more of the same.
What I am listening for is solutions and guidance.
I want to move forward.
So many times that means I have to give up the past.
Usually it does.
The past is not a reliable guide to the future.
It is not a reliable guide to what I want since my past included a lot of problems.
Even if my past was pleasant, it still would not necessarily be a reliable guide, since there are so many new factors to take into consideration.
So, when I listen deeply, I receive the most up-to-date and appropriate guidance from the Universe.
Far more than I can be aware of in taken into account when I listen from guidance from deep within.
I am not listening for my best guess.
I am not even listening for the assessment and evaluation of someone with more experience and reputation.
I am just listening within.
To hear the message and to find myself in movement carrying it out.
It just is.
That is what is.
That is how it happens when I do my job and listen.
© 2013 Kathryn Hardage
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