“A time to sow and a time to reap”
So many ideas pass through our mind each day.
Which are the good ones?
When will they happen?
Often, thinking about an idea and developing it mentally is the “sowing” and the manifestation or “reaping” of it takes place much later.
The return from an idea may be the simple pleasure of thinking about it.
It may be the creation of an object or a business or a relationship.
Listening to the ideas which do pass through our mind lets us analyze which ones are original and which ones are just coming in through our surroundings.
It lets us discriminate between the ones which are productive and the ones which are just noise and repetition.
It shows us which ones are actually valuable, and which ones are useless.
We are able to refocus our attention on the ideas which we do want to see manifest and away from the undesirable ones.
We then “sow” what we do want to grow in our life, and we can expect to “reap” good things from it.
© 2014 Kathryn Hardage