Friday, February 20, 2015

Creating the Happiness I Want to See

I woke up this morning with tired eyes.

I realized that I am tired of looking at the kind of life the world is presenting - limited resources, greed, lack of compassion, violence.

So, I decided to start creating the happiness that I want to see.

There are many people involved in a better view of humanity.

My most recent search involved the website.

Another wonderful project is a Permaculture for Students Kickstarter project which will contribute to better practices.

There is so much good in the world and this is providing wonderful opportunities to increase our best sense of life.

If we start out with the idea of limited earth resources and how to be sure “I get mine”, then we act in a particular way toward others.

If we start out with the idea of a different kind of unlimited resources and and develop the ideas which come from that, we act in a completely different way.

In my life, I have seen how an expanded sense of life and living can provide for a large number of children in the family.

I am noticing a lot of good practices by organizations who truly have the welfare of the earth and all people on it at heart.

I plan to spend more time with those ideas and practices and look forward to the happiness I can contribute.

© 2015 Kathryn Hardage

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