Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Finding Inspiration


I have just listened to a talk on artisan chocolate for the second time.

I am so moved by the wonderful generous attitudes and practices of the two chocolatiers being interviewed.

They are taking a delicious business model which is made even more wonderful by giving back to the communities they inhabit.

One, Askinosie Chocolate, does profit sharing with the cacao farmers.  He also funds a lunch program at a high school in the Philippines with ties to the farmers.  There is innovative participation from the school’s PTA.

Vosges Chocolatier creates a specific story about the origins of each chocolate.  They also contribute to charities who share their motivation to uplift.

But it is something else, the dedication to quality and integrity and charging what is beyond Fair Trade and valuing each and every part of the process an the people involved.

I am joined in spirit with these business practitioners.  I am joining them in their motives and practices.

I am so encouraged hearing their stories and principled actions.

I also love the mentorship these stories provide by encouraging other small businesses to take local action in their own neighborhoods and with the people we all deal with on a daily basis.

This inspires me.

©2013 Kathryn Hardage

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