Friday, January 18, 2013

The Best In Each Of Us


There is a pattern of creating worry, extreme worry for people all over the world.

US citizens are experiencing this for the first time through greedy efforts which affect the principles of our country’s governance.

Always, it is through the same avenues.


9/11 Resulting in the TSA.

School shootings, the most recent at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Resulting in more negative attention to gun ownership.

Even though it has been brought out that some routinely prescribed drugs cause violent tendencies, they are not being investigated or withdrawn.

School Testing.
Resulting in limited ways of teaching which are less enriching to the human mind.

SOPA, which was defeated by creative awareness practices, but cost the world the price of Aaron Swartz’ immense humanity and brilliant mind.

Banksters and Home Mortgage buying and selling.

Financial cramping through taxes is terrorizing.

Even vegan consumption of quinoa which is now limiting the diet of the indigenous people who grow it.

This is all activity of the carnal mind.  Even though it appears to be very real and to affect millions of people, there is a divine Principle of right supply and right action and right livelihood for each precious individual on the planet.

By refusing, with all of the strength it takes not to be mesmerized into negative and fearful thinking, to be worried, we are giving ourselves another path to walk.

Our peace of mind will be a calming beacon irrespective of all the media play.

We have a choice of what and how we think.

To not take sides releases us from engagement in this massive game of the carnal mind.

No matter what the hook, no matter what the trigger, do not be taken in.

Each one of us has a right to peace of mind, and we find it when we look within and “release the hidden splendor” (poet Robert Browning) of our unlimited, unterrorized, calm, creative mind.

In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl describes how he experienced this phenomenon as a child in a Nazi prison camp.

Never fear.

This is an old way of operating.

The carnal mind always devalues true, pure, lovely, upright, practical, useful motives behind the creation of anything, whether it is art or a gun.

Instead of letting the emotional ploys of the media and today’s version of the government direct our thoughts, let us choose what and how we wish to think.

Despite the horrors, despite the losses, despite the evidence, let us feel compassion and act on it.

Let us feel kindness and act on it.

Let us feel beauty, joy, delight, and act on it.

Let us comfort without rage.

Is that possible?

Let us not join the escalating fear and instead keep affirming and practicing what is the best in each of us.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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