Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Mind Full of Peace and Happiness

When your mind is full of peace and happiness, you share an attitude and atmosphere of joy and calm.

People respond to your happiness and peace and joy and calm in a refreshed and alert way.

Since you are not giving out gloom and doom, it is uplifting and clarifies the atmosphere.

People around you can move and think in a more inspired way.

As you provide this atmosphere for yourself, good connections flow.

You find people of like mind.

Soon you both, or all of you, find you are moving more smoothly in the directions you desire and prefer.

You are not held back or held down by your former practice and its results.

You are a different track.

Your surroundings may still say the same things, but you are experiencing an entirely different life.

Soon, even your surroundings change, because you are bringing forth what you practice.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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