Sunday, December 21, 2014

Acting from"Quiet"

I was all set to go an event, my car was loaded the night before with all my supplies, I had laid out my clothes, gotten money to make change, and the next morning my body let me know that all was not well, and I was unable to participate in my plans.

As I started feeling better during the day, I listened for anything I needed to know.

I discovered that there was a critical element missing that I wanted to include in my product line.

I began working on it, and it started coming together over the next several days.

I am completely satisfied over the new additions and the deep philosophy that is portrayed in the products.

This quiet time has afforded me the opportunity to look beyond making a living or making money.

I was very tied up in that process while I was raising my children and providing for all our needs.

Now there is a greater need, to look beyond the superficial value of what I am doing to the contribution I can make through doing it.

Everything needs to support the greater value, the contribution to a view of life.

I am certainly willing to be quiet and keep listening and take action as I am directed.

I know I will feel good about what I am doing when everything truly is in place, and then it will happen effortlessly.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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