Deep inside each of us is a basic and detailed identity.
This is our individuality.
We may have no knowledge of this, caught up as we are in all the demands of day-to-day living.
But at some time, when these break down due to personal inadequacies, overwhelming demands, stress, or just a feeling of a need for something else, we have the opportunity to look within.
As we do, we can see who is actually in there living this life we have constructed for ourselves on the outside.
When we begin to listen to this inside guide, we find we have not been living at all in accordance with our deep feelings and goals, even though we didn’t realize we had some.
When we finally give ourselves the time to listen and discover what is inside us, we are given the opportunity to make some changes.
If we accept, and often, it is impossible not to given the steps that led us here in the first place, we are then shown how to take the steps to harmonize our lives.
Our life begins to feel better as we harmonize the inside goals with the outer steps.
The outer life begins to take on what is deep within in our true character.
We become nicer, easier to be around, more fulfilled and whole.
The atmosphere we design for ourselves is uplifting and happy.
We learn how to release stress and send it far away from us, not just as momentary relief, but as part of a rebuilding plan.
This is a much better way to live.
It is worth all the disorientation we may feel while enacting it.
Reconciling the without to the within is our essential need and gives us the life we desire and were meant to live.
© 2014 Kathryn Hardage
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