Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Receiving A Clear Message

When you are receiving a clear message to do something or to go in a particular direction, do it.

Do not try to figure it out.

It will not necessarily make sense.

I found myself thinking I wanted to set up certain areas to do certain projects.

But the message was very clearly to abandon everything else except the preparations I was directed to make.

In taking on a new activity, everything points to the birth of it.

I found I could not do the kinds of projects I love, while in the midst of preparing for this new birth.

It finally became evident that the thing which I had desired and worked for so much was truly coming to pass.

And now was the time to take the physical action to support it.

In fact, it was so strong, that I was not allowed to get distracted or to do anything else.

During the birth of my children my entire body and mind were completely focused on the birth.

I mentally and spiritually and physically supported that process.

I am experiencing something like that now on a household-wide basis.

Only that which supports this new birth is allowed to be in my thought and actions.

Nothing else.

This is totally impelled by the Universe, 

I am amazed.

And willing.

And obedient.

And happy.

What a supported and clear and natural experience.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Your Own

Written July 24, 2013

If you weren’t going to someone else, what would your own revelation be?

Read.  Study.  Reflect.  Listen.

Draw your own conclusions.

They are the ones that mean the most to you.

They are the ones which will guide you in your own true path.

Trust yourself, or if you are not ready to do that, trust the One that made you and brought you here.

The Universe sees you and supplies you as an individual, not as part of a group.

The more you practice your individuality, the more directly you will receive your resources, the ones intended for you.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Doing What I Love, Who I Really Am

Written July 23, 2012

When you free yourself from limitations, you are practicing the most effective form of freedom.

You can learn a new skill.

You can practice to become better.

However, the most limiting factors of anyone are the habits and attitudes we accept about ourselves.

Finding freed from limiting habits and attitudes involves redirecting our thought consistently.

In EVOLVE YOUR MIND, the author describes how we have arrived at our present state and how to change it.

Choosing a new attitude and practicing it more and more consistently, redirects our lives.

We can do this one habit at a time

When we choose our new direction, we can see what no longer serves us and we can replace it.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

No Interfering

Written on July 20, 2013

I get to learn this lesson over and over again.

The same way great and useful ideas are coming to me when I need them, they are coming to everyone else.

Even if I want to help someone or ease their way, that is irrelevant.

What they need is coming to them in the way they can best receive it.

I trust the Universe for myself.

I trust the Universe for everyone else.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 22, 2013

Savor the Feeling

When you and your mind are aligned you are happier and more productive.

In fact, when you are carrying out someone else’s dream, you are actually not yourself.

You came here to be yourself.

You came to celebrate your unique gifts.

Take a moment to consider doing what you love

Savor the feeling of doing what you love.

Trusting what you love to do to support you is a big step.

So don’t take that one yet.

But do take a little one.

Go back and savor that feeling.

Make that your practice, to savor the feeling of doing what you love.

If you will open yourself to the feeling of doing what you love after a while you may actually feel you could consider a baby-step.

But not yet.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Good Things

I love putting positive statements on paper.

It is amazing how supportive this is.

Thinking, hearing and writing are different ways of drawing good things to myself.

Rewriting the old negative scripts and rewiring myself to the new scripts and the events they cause to happen is very rewarding.

The reward is an entirely new life.

Now, the old scripts seem unnecessary and are becoming less and less familiar.

They just don’t fit anymore.

It is worth learning this just for the contrast.

I can redesign my life for more fun and more service.

I can have fun writing and publishing and being active in many other ways.

These are all good things.

© 2013 Kathryn hardage

Monday, July 8, 2013

Do What you Love First

Do what you love first.

Practice doing it.

You will get better and better.

You will contribute your happiness and fulfillment and mastery to the world instead of your frustration and anger and longing.

Start with the littlest thing that you love to do and do more and more of it.

It will lead you to the next wonderful thing that you love.

You will always be involved in love, and you will appreciate your life from the beginning.

Others will want what you are creating.

They will want to feel that love in their lives.

Maybe it will encourage them to take a step in the direction of love.

Fill up the world, surround yourself, saturate yourself doing what you love.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Paying Attention

I love everything I am doing.

It is a complete change of pace for me.

I feel truly led and truly blessed with a perfect fit.

I have acquired all the tools I need to express the ideas that have been given to me.

I have the confidence to keep doing what I have been given.

When I think about anything or anyone else, I check whether that is an old habit or whether my attention is truly needed somewhere else.

Then I come back to fulfilling my own purpose.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Listening for Good

I have been listening a lot for ideas for my Themes for pre-schoolers. (www.MusicandBooksforChildren.com).

I find when I am listening for them, I am in a receptive mode for goodness and purity because of the innocence of the children I write for.

When I am in the mode of listening for ideas for young children, the Universe is very generous with uplifting ideas.

When I turn to the news, I find my mood changes and I become very anxious and upset. 

Today, I turned to the Universe for ideas about the world after writing for my pre-schoolers.

The uplifting ideas I received from the Universe about the world were wonderful.

I have decided to go to the Universe for more uplifting ideas to share as an adult.

I am also grateful to www.CommonDreams.org and www.DemocracyNow.org for their responsible journalism and its antidote to the “news abuse” we are constantly bombarded with.

I appreciate the opportunity to give to both these organizations.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Your Children Are Your Ideas

Your children are the ideas that come to you for release.

(In this view, they are not the people who are born into your household.

You are merely the transport for those children to get into the world for the experiences they have chosen to have.)

The children which are your ideas have come to you to be nurtured, strengthened and then released to do their jobs in the world.

Your ideas may be to inspire, or to provide a product or a service.

These are your real children.

You listen deeply for them and they appear, over and over again in your thoughts.

That’s how you know which ones are yours.

The way you see them, nurture them, provide for them lets them enter the world in a way that will bless and uplift the people who are looking for that kind of blessing, that kind of upliftment.

That is why there is no competition.

Your ideas are already connected to their receivers.

You are the conceiver; they are the receivers.

As you are guided to take the steps to release your children-as-ideas, they connect to the people they are designed to serve.

Your business is to listen and then take action.

You are supported by releasing your ideas, your children.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 1, 2013

No Anxiety Over Any Problem

How can we free ourselves from anxiety over any problem?

I think it is by finding the source of our power.

Looking within is a beginning.

Did you know about the power we each have within?

There, where it is quiet and still, we can truly listen.

We can hear out of the depths of the deep peace and quiet something we may not have heard before, our own nature.

We are so continually harassed by all the noise of daily life that we may not have heard our own voice.

But we have one.

It is tiny if we have not used it before.

But it is there.

As we discover who we really are and what we truly desire, we have immense power.

As we listen for the deep peace and think our way through the steps that come to us, we are empowered to take them.

As we take our individual steps, we connect with others who are also coming into their awareness.

And we find that what we truly desire to do also meets other people’s needs.

It is a great way to do business.

It is also a great way to live.

With our individuality guiding us from the deep peace we have learned how to find within, we find we are not in competition with anyone else.

We have our own attraction and our own product.

We have a team that works best with us.

We have whatever we need.

We find that even our relationships reflect our sufficiency.

We are freed from anxiety over any problem.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage


I have received excellent parenting.

Some of my parents taught me to read and to have good manners.

Some of my parents taught me other skills.

From some of my parents, I absorbed their philosophies.

From some of my parents, I received guidance.

From some of my parents, I saw happiness and commitment.

Finally, I had children.

And so, I learned some more about parenting.

I learned about the complex requirements of parenting.

I learned how to go way beyond my own strength day and night.

I learned to ask for Guidance because my own experience was not enough.

I watched them understand some lessons and miss some others.

I watched my children grow up.

And although I never felt it was enough, I knew that I had given my all.

And then, I released them to find the many other parents they needed, just as I had been released.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage