Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Your Children Are Your Ideas

Your children are the ideas that come to you for release.

(In this view, they are not the people who are born into your household.

You are merely the transport for those children to get into the world for the experiences they have chosen to have.)

The children which are your ideas have come to you to be nurtured, strengthened and then released to do their jobs in the world.

Your ideas may be to inspire, or to provide a product or a service.

These are your real children.

You listen deeply for them and they appear, over and over again in your thoughts.

That’s how you know which ones are yours.

The way you see them, nurture them, provide for them lets them enter the world in a way that will bless and uplift the people who are looking for that kind of blessing, that kind of upliftment.

That is why there is no competition.

Your ideas are already connected to their receivers.

You are the conceiver; they are the receivers.

As you are guided to take the steps to release your children-as-ideas, they connect to the people they are designed to serve.

Your business is to listen and then take action.

You are supported by releasing your ideas, your children.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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