Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Making Room

I could care less about my opinion.

Since I know what it is based on, I have no reason to trust it.

It is based on my life experiences and my thoughts about them.

I need guidance that is more secure than that.

So, I have learned to trust the Universe with the questions that I have.

I have learned that the Universe has widely vaster resources than the ones in my possession.

All I have to do is to let go of my opinion and then I can hear what the Universe is providing for me.

And it is beautiful!

The Universe loves me and provides extremely well for me.

The Universe doesn’t care how I am limiting myself.

It just delivers all it has to me all the time.

I can receive only what I have room for.

If my opinion is in the way, I don’t have room to receive the immense bounty that the Universe is offering me.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, May 23, 2014

Embracing Synchronicity

When you lay the foundation of your life with your own thoughts and desires, the Universe can bring you what you want.

Otherwise, it brings you what you have unconsciously accepted from your surroundings.

When you define your dream and begin to think about it and define what you want it to include, more and more consistently, the Universe can bring that to you, too.

It all depends on what occupies your thought.

If you spend more time being upset with your present circumstance, that will be your dominant thought.

If you spend more time designing the life you want, that will be your dominant thought.

You are the one who decides.

When you keep building on your dream and watch for different ways that it could happen, but get out of the way, the Universe can bring it and more into your life.

You have left it open as to how your dream is fulfilled, because, after all, the Universe knows more about Its infinite resources that you do.

You know best what you want.

And so the two combine in a beautiful “synchronicity”.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Keeping Peace Within

The best way to utilize your mind is to keep it in peace.

You can have happiness, delight, joy, excitement, but they must all be within peace.

A disturbed thought cannot create.

It cannot listen within to the deep and beautiful guidance which leads us to take every right step toward our goal.

Only peace can do that.

Shallow thinking does not include all the beauty possible in a life.

It does not allow us to take action inspired by deep thought.

It skims the surface and may stop at anger or self-justification without discovering the beauty of unselfishness or forgiveness.

Deep, quiet thinking puts us in touch with our greatest creativity.

Then the action which proceeds from that includes many facets we would not have thought of in anger or in haste.

We want expression which is creative and beautiful and which really offers complete solutions which take care of everyone.

That comes from a practice of keeping your mind at peace and in peace.

Accessing those deep resources is amazing.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Balanced Priorities

I am loving what I am using my mind for lately.

I am using it so calmly and productively.

I have found a new rhythm in my new location and I think I’ll be able to maintain it wherever I go.

I have just eased into it, but discovering my priorities and arranging everything to follow them.

That is, I have acknowledged my priorities and now it seems everything just follows in a natural way.

I begin with spiritual study, and then when everything is feeling really peaceful, I move to self-education.

From there, I get lots of ideas and I do product design and implementation in the form of publishing and making prototypes.

At that point in the afternoon, I am so satisfied and happy.

It is possible to follow up on a few little household requirements.

I cook and then have conversation with two other very intelligent and interesting, giving people.

Recreational reading is what is left for my day.

I make sure that the last thing I do is to go to bed, following some more inspirational reading.

It gives a nice flow to my day, with inspiration and productivity balanced with a tiny little bit of household work.

I am so satisfied and happy, and then it begins all over again.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Freedom Through Forgiveness

I know that I have found greater freedom to move in positive directions through forgiveness.

Instead of being tied into the same old pattern of panic attack and depression, I have been able to let go of some of the deep long-term child trauma.

In using Collin Tipping’s Radical Forgiveness Worksheet, ( I have been alerted to the idea of looking at things differently.

That willingness, to look at things differently, is the key to letting in some light and to breaking the cycle of panic and depression.

It is a radical approach, but it sidesteps the old cycle.

It has allowed me to move from distracting myself, which is also very useful, to moving forward with my life.

I now have more room mentally to think and do other things.

I am no longer shut down by negative memories and emotions.

When a trigger does happen, I am only momentarily thrown off balance.

I can right myself again.

I have a sense of purpose.

I have the right to accomplish it.

I have the tools I need.

I have learned something of forgiveness, not to benefit the evil perpetrators, but to free myself.

Everyone has to work out their own destiny.

I am much freer to work out mine.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Evolving into Peace

Creating room for expression is moving me into peace.

I no longer feel I am struggling against my environment.

I feel in harmony with it.

I carry it with me as I have always done.

Now I have a community around me that supports my expanding creativity.

I have the surroundings of the natural environment.

I have travel plans that allow me to serve others.

I have multiple locations for teaching and sharing.

I have technology skills that allow me to communicate almost as fast as I can create my teaching materials and inspirational products.

I am no longer faced with the frustration of the limiting factors of ignorance all around me.

I have the peace of my own integrity in a beautiful place that feeds my soul.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage