Thursday, May 8, 2014

Freedom Through Forgiveness

I know that I have found greater freedom to move in positive directions through forgiveness.

Instead of being tied into the same old pattern of panic attack and depression, I have been able to let go of some of the deep long-term child trauma.

In using Collin Tipping’s Radical Forgiveness Worksheet, ( I have been alerted to the idea of looking at things differently.

That willingness, to look at things differently, is the key to letting in some light and to breaking the cycle of panic and depression.

It is a radical approach, but it sidesteps the old cycle.

It has allowed me to move from distracting myself, which is also very useful, to moving forward with my life.

I now have more room mentally to think and do other things.

I am no longer shut down by negative memories and emotions.

When a trigger does happen, I am only momentarily thrown off balance.

I can right myself again.

I have a sense of purpose.

I have the right to accomplish it.

I have the tools I need.

I have learned something of forgiveness, not to benefit the evil perpetrators, but to free myself.

Everyone has to work out their own destiny.

I am much freer to work out mine.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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