Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Creating with What you Like and Don’t Like

You bring what you think about into your experience.

Good or bad, what occupies space in your thought occupies space in your life.

The causal or extreme attention which you give to certain topics or events establishes them casually or firmly.

So you can shape the events in your life by consciously redirecting your thought with intention and emotion.

After doing this persistently and seeing simple results, you will want to go deeper.

As you see even more results and you life improves significantly, you will notice areas which are not changing.

This requires really persistent work and focus.

In my case, certain things, attitudes, were holding me back.

As I remained consistent and listened to my intuition, I kept getting closer and closer to revealing the deep limiting thought.

As I journaled to see my thoughts more clearly, definite bodily turmoil resulted!

I was so uncomfortable, I knew I was close!

Finally, I found myself dealing with a very effective negative though which had been implanted when I was a pre-schooler.

When I saw it, I stated the reverse.

The bodily turmoil remarkably ended.

I have been able to move on to removing more and more deep thought blockades though this consistent, sometimes very uncomfortable process.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, December 16, 2016

Looking Near and Looking Far

What we look at determines our place and our direction.

Close at hand, we see details.

Far away, we have visions.

the steps in between create our world.

Attaining our visions, we take many steps.

the close-up view of each step may not look like much.

But each step is a microcosm of the vision.

It contains the whole vision, right there in a single step.

It is a holographic view.

The quality and direction of any project is characterized by the quality and direction of each step.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Your Individual Wealth Experience

You have your own vocabulary of wealth.

You build it based on your own experiences.

You shape it according to your point of view.

You can build up a wealth of negative experiences or positive ones.

You direct it, either consciously or unconsciously.

If your life is going in a direction you do not want, or you feel helpless, you are experiencing unconscious direction.

When you begin to confront it, and are willing to follow through, you will discover what you need to heal and redirect it.

If you are experiencing effortless, positive living, you may have simply grown up in an atmosphere which supported you.

Be compassionate toward those who have had the opposite kinds of experiences.

Build your wealth of experiences consciously and watch yourself heal and prosper.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Business, Organization and Wealth

Acting in divine Law, with the organizing laws of the Universe, I have and I release my immense wealth.

The wealth from divine Principle blesses all of the Universe’s creation, with unlimited resources.

When I act in accord with divine Law, I, too, release and receive my great wealth by virtue of being part of the Universe.

The Universe provides naturally for all its own Creation.

I, too, have no limits and can receive and give naturally without any strain or stress.

When I live in the laws of divine Principle I am consciously acknowledging and activating my awareness of my relationship to the Universe.

I do not take the path of other people.

I am given my own path.

I do not try to form a business in the traditional way.

I listen to the divine, organizing Principle which guarantees my successful business.

It looks a lot the same, but it feels completely different.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Foolish to Be Happy

Several times in my life, I have found happiness in something, only to have it belittled by someone else.

Sometimes I let that take away my happiness.

Sometimes I simply evaluated and validated my happiness again.

When I take a step which frees me in some way, I am extremely happy.

It is not necessarily something which would show up from the outside.

But inside me, I can tell that I have made progress.

If my account of stuff does not impress someone else, it is because their evaluation criteria is based on stuff.

If my happiness is in being creative, my success shows up in germinating all kinds of creative ideas and carrying them out.

For me, when I have the resources to be creative, (and I always do), it makes me extremely happy.

Now that I know being creative makes me happy, I can be happy all the time.

Any time I am not happy, I can move myself into my creative zone, right in that moment.

I can play with creative ideas.

So the substance of my life, my knowledge of what makes me happy, is profound.

It is powerful.

There is nothing foolish about it.

As for stuff, that is simply not what makes me happy.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Going Within

Going within to listen for answers removes the confusion from all the opinions floating all around you.

No matter how powerful or how loud they are, their distraction can be removed by taking a deep breath and calmly listening within.

Sit calmly breathing deeply until you feel calm within yourself and then you will hear the presence of an idea.

Your own idea within your own calm feels distinctive.

It is not like any other feeling.

You do not have to bounce it off of others to know its validity in your life.

It has no comparison to the past, because it is uniquely new to you.

Even if it looks like something familiar, it has a different feel to it.

Going within gives you different answers.

Make a habit of it in order to move your life in a unique and positive direction.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Divine Economy

I had three opportunities, as a professional cellist, to live in a different country.

I studied in Paris, France, and later, I played in the Puerto Rico Symphony.

I also played chamber music in Orvieto, Italy.

Each time, I had the opportunity to learn the language and to live off the local economy.

Learning a new vocabulary to meet my grocery needs and to get directions was a fun challenge.

I learned to allow enough time to make my needs known, and to allow for getting lost, (especially as I was carrying a cello!).

As I now explore the divine economy I find I need a language of spiritual terms.

When I employ this vocabulary, it leads me to experiences living off the divine economy.

The divine economy supplies me with peace, calm, and guidance.

My good ideas come from listening quietly within.

I am led to employ them in productive ways which contribute to the divine economy as well.

A vocabulary which uplifts me, helps me uplift others.

A vocabulary which enriches my life, helps me enrich the lives of others.

It is wonderful to learn to live in this divine economy wherever I am.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 14, 2016

Focal Point of the Infinite

It is our divine nature to receive the gifts of our Creator.

We are each a focal point of the Infinite.

We receive, we receive, we receive, as we all share our gifts from the Infinite.

We are whole, we are whole, we are whole as we gather all the wealth that is ours.

We do this through divine communion, simply listening quietly within, as meditation.

The natural resources we control are within us.

Our attitude is one of blessing, no matter where we are or the circumstances around us.

It creates a community of like-minded people who can lift each other up.

We do this by raising up thought and taking actions to bless one another.

Our natural resources are kindness and compassion.

This is the currency of the divine economy.

This currency combats fear, and enables us to feel the presence of right ideas and to take action on them.

The focal point of the Infinite resides within each of us.

It is up to us what we do with it.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 11, 2016

Mental Fog

There is a familiar mental fog surrounding me this morning.

It is one which I fought off for so many years from pre-school through ninth grade.

After that, it was just the after-effects, which became panic attacks, and which became finally, a significant health hazard.

So, I know that all around me more people are enveloped in the same fog.

It is a fog of feeling helpless.

Of feeling exploited.

Of feeling like no matter what, they can’t stop it or get away.

And so they are looking for a way out.

Individually, there are many of us who have had to find our way out.

And so we know it can be done.

What is interesting to me, is that we are dealing with this as a nation.

Apparently, there are enough people who have developed the strength to persist and to find their footing regardless of what was done to them.

And now, the conscious awareness that so many are contributing, is causing a huge reaction.

So, we know that the steps will be revealed and taken by as many as can take them, and that will shift the balance which has already begun to shift.

And we will all find our way out, and we will establish a new feeling on earth, a feeling which loves, cherishes and adores each of us and finds each of us precious and worthy.

That is what awaits us as we push our way through all this fog.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Your Good Work

Consecrate your work to the Divine within and you will not have to be jealous over what other people are doing or feel unfilled in any way.

When you see good works being done, and you want to be a part of that, continue to listen within.

There is already something which you love doing, hidden within your heart, waiting to be expressed.

This is your good work.

Let it grow.

Nurture it.

Let it develop.

Take the steps which naturally support it.

When your idea feels more mature, try it out in different settings.

Let it ell you the most appropriate location.

Then release it, and you, too, will be fulfilled as you involve yourself in doing your own Good Work.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Averting Panic

With the beginning of seasonal planning, I reviewed my desire to stay at home and work while my husband went out-of-town for his business.

Since his business takes place where we used to live and we still have two adult children there, it is always a temptation to get drawn into the time frame of cultural norms of holiday celebrations.

I prefer not to be involved for several reasons, both personal and professional, but I found myself beginning to experience the symptoms of a panic attack as my emotions dragged me in a direction I do not enjoy.

Before I got very far down that path, I found myself asking what I would really like to do.

My ready answer was, to be making my second video music lesson.

Since the first one is not yet done, this answer propelled me into action to organize the first season of ten lessons.

Now that I am actively engaged with spreadsheets and looking up song titles, I have settled into my happiest zone of productivity.

I now know that I will not be drawn into something by habit; I am already moving forward in a direction I do enjoy.

I prefer my family visits to be solely for the time that I can spend with them, rather than focusing around holiday demands.

I also needed a way to take the next steps in this long-awaited project.

I am content that I now have the best of both worlds, and grateful that I also have a way to move out of the panic arena.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 23, 2016

When You Feel Agitation

You may notice agitation as a physical reaction or irritation in your body.

It is good to check yourself by observing your thoughts.

A therapy book I was reading suggested relaxation as a cultivated practice to balance hyper-alertness.

I found myself getting more anymore tense as I sneezed in an allergic reaction.

I decided to calm myself in order to stop.

As I observed my thoughts, I realized an undercurrent o rehearsing a hurtful situation.

I redirected my thought to enjoy what I was doing right at the present moment instead.

I was able to resume the pleasant conversation I was having without the sneezing reaction.

Later on in the night, I awoke with same symptoms.

Once again, I found a habitual negative rehearsal of thoughts taking place.

I calmed myself by remember my own choice to leave the negative situation.

I affirmed my gratitude for where I am, and I appreciated the new, positive people and delightful activities I am now involved in.

The symptoms receded.

I do not have to go along with or experience agitation in any way.

I can become conscious of what is going on in my life, and in my body and I can redirect my thoughts to change in a positive direction.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Thought of Limitless Release

Now that I am learning how to direct my thought to embrace the life I want, it is causing me to release the limitations of the past.

Each time I do this, I take a step in the direction of the Infinite.

The more I create space for answers, instead of asserting my opinion, the more the answers flow.

I am led step-by-step to heal the wounds and limitations of the past.

these create room for present good.

My life now includes more happiness than I have ever known before.

I am moving in a new, limitless direction, one that satisfies my soul and which provides every good thing.

I am able to release more anymore of the past and to trust in my new life.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 7, 2016

Stop Judging Yourself

Once you learn how to stop judging yourself you will find that your life increases in value and in ease.

You stop second-guessing yourself and relax.

There is nothing you can do about any situation in the past except  release it.

This allows you to use your present moments in construction ways.

Your body releases the tension given by thoughts from the past and can function in a normal and relaxed way.

You can find your new path gained by wisdom from lessons from the past and trust in your new found abilities.

Cease to judge yourself!

Stop it immediately!

You are worthy to continue in 
a new vein in 
a new life with 
a new attitude and 
new resources.

You are of more value now than ever before.

Move forward and enjoy it.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage