You need room in your life and in your mind to receive original ideas.
Usually, our lives are so filled with carrying out someone else’s instructions for work…
or in school…
or taking care of someone else’s needs at home.
We cannot hear the ideas that are truly ours.
And yet, we exist to honor our individuality.
You can set an appointment to take care of any other kind of need.
One of the ways to do that is to provide a reception area.
Only this time, you are setting an appointment for yourself.
You are creating a place and time to receive the original ideas that are yours to express.
When you sit down with your journal and a cup of tea in a quiet and comfortable spot where you will not have any interruptions, you are preparing yourself to listen within.
As you breathe deeply and shut out the distractions, you feel yourself relax.
You sit quietly, with no demands on you.
This is your time.
You have prepared a space.
You have designated the time.
Now, you can listen.
Breathe. Listen. Write.
© 2017 Kathryn Hardage