Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Law of Prosperity

I am a law of prosperity to myself.

I am connected to my Source, which flows effortlessly through me and as me.

I manifest the ideas which I receive quickly and easily.

I share them with others quickly and easily.

They receive them quickly and easily.

We are connected through Source, me, the ideas which I receive and share, and those who receive them.

We are all One in the expression of my ideas, as we listen to and feel the spiritual messages within them.

We express our unlimited individuality, our originality, our freedom, our purity, our innocence, our independence, our confidence, our skill, our invention through the ideas which we receive through my Music Books.

We practice the qualities we receive, honesty, goodness, helpfulness, happiness, intelligence, integrity, delight, harmony, and the skills of visual discrimination, left-to-right tracking, correlation of musical symbols to sounds as we compose and play our original musical patterns.

As we manifest our new skills, we expand our mind, expand our freedom and express greater intelligence.

With purity and honesty and love and appreciation for our unlimited expression as our base, we release good ideas into the world.

We uplift the world around us with our innocence and our strength and our freedom and our originality and our integrity.

This is the power of the law of prosperity which I am manifesting.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 23, 2013

In the Flow

While I am at it, I can just keep going.

I notice that once I have started receiving and recording my inspiration for the day, it is easier to keep going.

Once I receive the initial idea, it is easier to let it keep expanding.

Then the motion just adapts to whatever direction I am going at the time.

I have a flow throughout my day, from work to whatever else is required.

We are all here to do our inspired work.

We can fulfill the requirements of others until we discover what that work is.

Then we will be impelled to take the steps to accomplish our own work.

We will see the life changes it brings to us.

We will gain courage to conquer any and all obstacles as we realize the alternative is unacceptable.

We will realize our purpose individually.

We will practice it.

Collectively, we will uplift the planet and change its course, even as we see the course of each of our lives change.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 20, 2013

Beginning Observations

Even though I am such a beginner, it is still important that I make a record in art of what I see.

I am able to see more in other people’s art because of what I have begun to do in art myself.

My baby steps are the ones I need to take right now.

As my eye grows more observant, my hand has more information with which to practice.

How I draw the pencil across the page gives feedback to my eye and mind.

Even though I do not practice every day or even every week, my mind is still actively collecting observations on everything I see.

I watched my music students make very slow, but accurate progress, when they did not practice every week, so I know I am making slow, but accurate progress with my art.

Something which I do practice often is my fabric art, and that is receiving the advantage of observations which go into my drawing art.

As I observe the works or other artists who are producing daily, I feel myself relaxing into the way their techniques contribute to the overall feeling of their art.

That is another reason to just look at art and keep collecting the observations which will feed into my next session of art drawings.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Mind On Peace

I am giving myself some “I love me” therapy this morning.

What I am discovering is that in the mental state of peace, I receive creative and wonderful  solutions to whatever I am working on.

Ideas come from outside my usual reasoning.

They arrive from some different path.

And they are easy to follow and completely achievable.

When I am worried or hassled about anything, it is harder to see solutions.

What my mind is like when I am peaceful is completely different.

I am confident, happy, exuberant, serene.

It feels good to receive solutions.

I am ready to implement them when they arrive that way.

I can move quickly.

My mind on peace is open, ready to receive, ready to act, and very appreciative.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Old Self-Sabotage and How To Stop It

I tried out a new technique in free-motion machine quilting and liked it a lot.

When I went back to quilt the next square, I had a lot of outside self-criticism going on inside my head.  That square was a disaster.

I have decided to pick it all out and to make sure I am in “flow” with a great deal of self-appreciation going on, specifically directed by me.

Instead of the negative default “button”, I am installing a conscious self-appreciation feature.

Even when I switched to “I love me” as I was quilting the second square, I saw some improvement.

I know I will really enjoy my quilting results with “I love me” in mind.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 9, 2013


Measuring productivity by how I feel about things is often inaccurate.

I might have gotten a lot done some days, but because I didn’t value it, I gave myself a low evaluation.

I am learning to trust a different kind of evaluation.

One that measures how much I love myself.

Do I still love myself at the end of the day?

Then it was a productive day.

When I work on the projects that are valuable to me, it is a productive day.

When I have to talk myself into working on projects or coerce myself in some way, even though I don’t consider it productive, nonetheless, the work got done.

When I realize that is the way I am approaching the work, I do not feel so required to do it any more.  

I realize I am a master at getting myself to do things I don’t want to do.

I will now spend my time on those things that are important to me and which I value.

I will keep myself in a state of productivity which I value.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

When (and Where) Do You See Success?

Do you see it after the fact?

Or do you see it as you make progress toward your goal?

Without the motivating force of convinced success, you probably will not get there.

I know I have been motivated to work on all the little details of my product development, years of research, acquisition of computer skills, and be led to marketing at the right time and place for my audience and clientele.

I can taste and feel the success.

I am doing my part, so I know the Universe is doing its part.

It is bringing me into conscious awareness of who I am, my purpose, and how to execute my engagement with the world.

I see my success here and now.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A New Perspective

What if I was hired by someone to type up their ideas?

How would I value them?

What would be my attitude toward my boss?

Well, I am my boss.

And I am hiring myself to type up my ideas.

Now, I know how to value myself.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage