Sunday, November 30, 2014

Being In Tune

Sometimes you find yourself doing something that makes sense to you and then you find out later that you are in tune with something much larger.

The last couple of years that I taught music to pre-schoolers, I began my class in a way that allowed them to transition from their previous activity.

I had them take three deep breaths of inspiration.

I have continued blogging about this (

The first deep breath is inspiration for yourself.

The second deep breath is inspiration for all the people that we know.

The third deep breath is inspiration for all the people that we don’t even know all over the planet.

At a workshop today, given by Howard Martin, co-founder of Heart-Math, I listened to many nuggets from research which inform us that our heart’s intelligence is our deepest guide.

One of the things which I noted was that the attitudes that we hold about ourselves and others extend in a scientifically measurable way.

The distance can be three to four feet, eighteen feet or more and to an unlimited distance, depending on the study.

That is how I feel in tune with the practice I led my pre-school students in for several years, and which I still practice today.

We are sending out information about ourselves and extending it to others who we know and who we don’t know.

Shaping our information and attitudes and withholding judgement goes much farther than we might have imagined.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Musical Retrograde

In an operetta by Paul Hindemith’s, (I have searched for its name but cannot find it), the action takes place up to a certain point, and at the climax, the entire opera is sung and acted backwards, or in what is called retrograde.

I feel like that is happening simultaneously in my life as I am continuing to move forward in a different line from the one which I started on.

The old life is backing out of my way even though it makes gallant attempts to restage itself, but there are no longer any actors nor audience.

I am writing a new score, and I like all the new parts.

All the action takes place in the present moment.

I validate it with my decisions, which I like, and my values, which I also endorse.

Lest this sound too self-centered, it is not.

I am simply aware that I am making the choices which I wish to see, instead of acting out the old dimensions which were around me in the past.

So my musical retrograde is over.

It is becoming easier to draw the curtain on the performance and go off to write entirely new scenes which I enjoy.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Convinced of the Wrong Thing

After hearing the dreams and goals of a friend for years, I was convinced I knew what he was talking about.

I watched him commit resources, brain-storm about programming, visited the site with him.

And watched nothing take shape.

Frustrated with that conversation, I began committing my own time and resources to my own dreams and goals.

I just worked on my own projects.

From time to time, I would hear more of the same unfulfilled dream from my friend, but I just kept working n my own dreams.

Finally, there was a painful and massive shift about my friend and resources began to flow for him.

But not in the way his dream had always sounded to me.  What I was convinced of was wrong.

When his shift came, the dream came to be realized in a much easier flow which gained momentum.

The new form was the one that was trying to emerge all the time.

I am grateful to see this process where a dream which is held for a long time, is transformed even while it is being nurtured in a different form.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What My Mind is For

My mind has a designated use for which it is designed.

It is designed for discernment.

Yes, i know it ca be programmed for memorization and factual analysis.

But it is designed for intuition.

What comes into the mind from outside can be influenced and programmed for particular results.

What comes into the mind from within, is the pure, unadulterated communion of love and intelligence.

Either influence can produce action.

Which one am I paying attention to?

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 17, 2014

Inspiration and Action

Today you can discern who you are and what you need to be doing.

You are more than you appear.

You have a deep identity which knows hot to tap its rich resources.

Your purpose and resources are the uplift, not just yourself, but everyone around you.

They also have the deep purpose and resources to uplift everyone around them

Each one of us starts the chain.

We take our inspiration, let it empower us into action.

the strength of that action inspired other receptive minds.

Every mind has the power to receive inspiration from within and to translate that into action.

When we see that in someone else we receive a signal within ourselves.

When we take action from our own inspiration, it sends a signal to others.

Today is the day we start this process for ourselves.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 16, 2014

On Receiving Abundantly

I sat down to wait for my order.

As I often do, I pulled out my notebook.

Soon I felt it, and I thought, “Here it comes.”

And so it did.

I wrote and wrote and filled my notebook and notated songs.

I realized that I am ready now.

Always ready.

I know that the ideas are going to come.

They are going to come in a flow and all I have to do is be ready to write.

Some of the next steps I know.

I transcribe them into little teaching books or a children’s calendar or a newsletter.

Then I listen some more.

That’s what I know to do.

Each step has been directed from within.

That is my new business plan.

Listen within.

Every step is directed from within.

Just keep listening.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 14, 2014

Honoring Our Feelings

I was raised to be extremely disciplined, and for the most part, it worked for those things that I was required to do.

But it doesn’t work for those things which I love to do.

I can only do them when I am inspired.

I am inspired most of the time, but I can’t keep doing just one thing.

My inspiration directs me to different things along the way.

Then I get back to the original things I was doing, and so it goes, until many things are done.

It is more of a circular route instead of a straight line.

But it is how I love to work.

When someone outside of us is directing our actions, it may seem to them that things should be done in a certain way.

But when we are being directed from within, we certainly feel a deep commitment and joy in the way we do things.

Go for the joy and delight.

Honor the way you feel and do the things you love.

The more you do this, the more you will see your life arranged to suit your deepest feelings.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 10, 2014

Spiritual Study and Its Visible Results

Gaining a spiritual vocabulary and practice will change your life.

I was seeking change when I began my search.

I had no idea it would have the deep effects on my metabolism as well as I began to absorb the profound meaning of the different authors I studied.

Since our thoughts completely govern our lives, and since we thing so many of them (millions and millions each day) unconsciously, for the most part, we live the lives we are given completely unintentionally.

When we decide to take responsibility for our thoughts, we then see different effects.

In some cases, the awareness I have gained has been disturbing.

I had no ideas of the thoughts that were running my life, although I could certainly see the results!

When the old thoughts reject the new ones, something the battleground is the body.

I am learning when to keep reading and processing the new ideas and when to take a break to let my mind and body absorb the new thought-processes.

My life-practice is being changed completely.

It is like moving overseas and living in a new culture with a new language.

I am giving my body time to catch up.

Then I walk my new path harmoniously with mind and body with each new vista.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 6, 2014

My Manifestation

As the beginning of the inspiration of the world, God is.

I witness and express the divine power inherent in my being.

I have this power regardless of any outside factors.

As I listen to my God-nature and act with my God-being, I am led to take certain steps.

These steps lead in a God-direction to bless and uplift.

I always have everything I need at the instant I need it.

I am always expressing my God-inspired purpose.

I am fulfilled in my expression.

I naturally manifest my God-inspired product lines.

They appear in their perfect, most useful form.

They appear naturally.

As I continue to listen, I eliminate doubt, limitation, confusion and obstruction.

God is.  I am.

There is only my manifestation.

I am one with the whole, entire, complete process.

Every step is my Oneness.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage